FEI Sirion SEM:

The combination of Schottky type field emission source and the through-lens detection technology provides the basis for ultra-high resolution.

The microscope can be operated both at low acceleration voltage (less than 1kv) and at high acceleration voltage (30kv), and is capable of surface structural characterization and chemical composition analysis.

Elemental information can be obtained by using the attached Oxford INCA EDS system. Complete computer control provides user-friendly operation.

Instrument capabilities for function
Schottky type field emission source
Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector
specimen chamber monitoring CCD camera
elemental analysis by EDS
line scanning for elemental analysis
elemental mapping/spectrum mapping
three-dimensional imaging
cross section imaging
fully computer controlled easy operation
digital image recording
low voltage imaging down to 200V
high voltage of 30 kV can be obtained