FEI DB237 Dual Beam FIB System:

If we call the SEM and TEM eyes in the nano world, based on the usage of the electron beam, then the FIB would be considered the knife used to cut nano objects, based on the usage of the focused ion beam. These viewing and cutting functions are combined together in Dual Beam FIB system.

Our DB237 Dual Beam FIB System consists of electron and ion columns, Pt and XeF2 gas injectors, OMNI probes, EDAX EDS systems, flip stage, SE/TLD/STEM (dark field) / STEM (bright field) / CDEM/CCD electron/ion/photon detectors.

The potential usage of this instrument is unlimited, i.e., TEM specimen preparation from a selected area, cross section SEM imaging, controlled milling/deposition, composition depth profiling, three-dimensional image construction, etc.

Instrument capabilities for function
Schottky type field emission source
Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector
liquid Gallium ion emitter
bright field STEM/ dark field STEM
qualitative elemental analysis
quantitative elemental analysis
spectrum mapping
three-dimensional elemental analysis
fully computer controlled easy operation
digital image recording
CDEM detector
Pt gas injector, XeF2 gas injector
Pt deposition, sample etching through XeF2
specimen chamber monitoring CCD camera
OMNI probe 100.7
accelerating voltage for electron beam: 200 V to 30 kV
accelerating voltage for ion beam: 5-30 kV
SEM imaging ultrahigh resoultion to nm
FIB imaging to resolution of 7 nm
in-situ STEM imaging / TEM specimen preparation