Mission and Goals

The Center for Electron Micrsocopy and Nanofabrication (CEMN) at Portland State Univesity (PSU) is a signature research facility of the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnology Institute (ONAMI), a collaboration between Oregon’s research universities, Pacific Northwest National Laboratories and industry partners.

Supporting faculty research activities and collaboration at the shared user facilities of PSU, University of Oregon (UO), and Oregon State University (OSU), preparing students for future careers, and promoting the interaction between PSU and the greater community constitute three major missions of CEMN. The establishment of the Center is well on track with PSU's policy to enhance research activity and to support the needs of academic institutes and companies in the greater Portland area for advanced materials characterization capabilities. Its unique location and the introduction of state-of-the-arts facilities provide the physical basis for the success of CEMN. Talented faculty members and dedicated staff are the driving forces for its perfection. Researchers from participating institutions are able to access the CEMN by visiting the facility at PSU, or through remote-access high-speed Internet connections—enabling critical research to take place throughout Oregon.

The Center was initiated by Drs. Jun Jiao, Sherry Cady, William Wood, and Robert Daasch and supported by the deans, vice provost for research, and department chairs. The decisive push towards the establishment of CEMN comes from the financial support of the Murdock Foundation. Assistance from the National Science Foundation, FEI Company, Intel Corp., Gatan Inc., LSI Logic, Moses Lake Industries INC., and other organizations is greatly appreciated.


At CEMN, specimen imaging can be performed through TEM, STEM, and SEM while elemental analysis can be accomplished by EDS and EELS. All of the images and spectra are recorded in a digital fashion, which facilitates data processing and transfer.

CEMN features an FEI Tecnai F20 Transmission Electron Microscope, an FEI Sirion Scanning Electron Microscope, a JEOL 100CX Transmission Electron Microscope, and an FEI Dual-Beam DB237 FIB System for sample patterning and extraction. Full conventional TEM sample preparation facilities are also available.

The Center offers project consultation, training and assistance to users in a wide range of research projects. Inquiries about services and tours of the facilities can be made by contacting Jianfeng Wu, Interim Laboratory Manager.