We, the representatives of this people, convened in solemn assembly to
institute a democratic state for the purpose of ensuring the exercise of social
and individual rights, liberty, security, well-being, development, equality and
justice as supreme values of a fraternal and unprejudiced society, founded on
social harmony and committed, in the internal and international orders, to the
peaceful settlement of disputes, promulgate, under the protection of God, this CONSTITUTION
OF THE REPUBLIC OF ___________________.
These truths we hold above
all, and as being the basis of intrinsic rights:
I. All men are created
equal, and as such shall be treated with anonymity of race, religion, sex and
all other distinguishing and discriminating traits throughout social, economic,
and judicial processes.
II. Men are by nature free
and cannot be enslaved or obliged to do any one thing except by virtue of law.
III. No law shall be made
in light of transgression and subsequently enforced on a prior violation.
IV. Money shall be coined
by the nation for use in all debts public and private. Citizens have the right
to earn and use said money in a commerce of free trade, both foreign and
V. No punishment, cruel or
unusual, shall be declared by law in result of criminal actions
VI. Freedom of thought is
ensured. The expression thereof permitted within the bounds of peaceful, unarmed
assembly. The freedom of belief is also intrinsic, and religious exercises and
locales shall be protected by law.
The home is the inviolable refuge of the individual, and no one may enter
therein without the consent of the dweller, except granted by court order.
Any law not created by federal government, nor prohibited by the same, is
reserved for the individual states.
Any physical harm inflicted one on another shall be revisited, and punished
according to established law.
Federal legislature shall be chosen by the people, and shall represent them unanimously
at congress.