Daryn Lee

TEL: 503.725.9968 FAX: 503.725.4737 EMAIL: daryn@pdx.edu PRONOUNS: she/they Portfolio


2004–2008 | Bachelor of Arts
Psychology, Japanese
Portland State University

2016–current | Post-baccalaureate
Graphic Design
Portland State University


Page layout
Vector illustration
Freehand illustration
Web design (HTML5+CSS)
Intercultural communication
15 years of customer service

Tool Proficiencies

Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Google Sites

Google Suite
Microsoft Office
Adobe Acrobat forms

Social Media

Professional Experience

2018–current | Website Manager
Portland State University College of Education

I presently manage the College of Education website, build and train on supplemental audience-specific Google Sites; design fliers and collaterals; manage all social media platforms; and am responsible for the preparation, restructuring, and migration of over 800 webpages across five websites to a single website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. I am also tasked with keeping all marketing materials in line with PSU brand guidelines, as well as serving on the public art committee for the office relocation.

2014-2018 | Marketing Specialist
Portland State University Graduate School of Education

I managed five academic departmental websites; copyedited marketing materials; managed non-credit student accounts and transcripts; managed course/event registration; coordinated appointment letters between contracted instructors and Human Resources; processed and distributed completed course evaluations to chairs and professors; set up and maintained affiliate accounts; and coded and processed AP invoices.

2011–2014 | Office Specialist
Portland State University Graduate School of Education

I managed non-credit student accounts and transcripts; managed course/event registration; processed registration payments; processed AP invoices; reconciled daily accounts; generated AR invoices and statements.

2009–2011 | Registrar
Portland State University School of Extended Studies

I managed student accounts and registrations for all non-credit workshops and trainings for both the School of Extended Studies as well as the Continuing Education department; prepared non-credit transcripts and Washington state teacher inservice forms; backed up Registration Manager with credit course registrations.

Additional Experience

Kuddles and Scales Rescue

As a volunteer with the Multnomah County-licensed small animal rescue, I helped develop and design Kuddles and Scales' brand identity from their logo and text styling to their website, business cards, forms, and miscellaneous graphics and event signage as needed.
