Stochastic Frontier Production Function

Readings and References:

Consider a production function with technical efficiency:

y = h(X,b)k

where y is output and h(X,b) is the production function with X consisting of factor inputs. The efficiency measure is defined by k = exp(-u) so that 0 < k £ 1 for u ³ 0. Therefore, in logarithm and with added random error term v, the regression model is written as:

ln(yi) = ln h(Xi,b) - ui + vi (i = 1,2,...,N)

Let ei = vi - ui. The simple case of Cobb-Douglas production function with technical efficiency is

ln(yi) = ln(Xi)b + ei and ei = vi - ui

We assume that vi is i.i.d. normal(0,sv2) and distributed independently of ui and the regressors. That is,

f(vi) = 1/(2p)½ 1/sv exp{-½ (vi/sv)2}

Because of the requirement ui ³ 0, several model specifications for technical efficiency are presented below. Depending on the density function of ui and the fact ei = vi - ui, we define the marginal density of ei as

f(ei) = ò0¥ f(ui,ei+ui)dui

where f(ui,vi) = f(ui,ei+ui) is the joint density of ui and vi = ei+ui. It is clear that ei is not normally distributed. The model parameters of the production function and the distribution function are estimated by maximizing the non-normal log-likelihood function for a sample of N producers defined by

ll = åi=1,2,...,Nln f(ei)

Model Estimation: Maximum Likelihood

Assume v ~ i.i.d. Normal(0,sv2).

Model Interpretation: Technical Efficiency

The individual producer's technical efficiency is the point estimator of u derived from the conditional distribution f(u|e). Based on the distribution assumption of u discussed above, f(u|e) is distributed as Normal+(m*,s*2) (see Jondrow et al. 1982):

f(u|e) = f(u,e)/f(e) = 1/(2p)½ 1/s* exp{-½ ((u-m*)/s*)2} / F(m*/s*)

Half Normal ModelExponential ModelTruncated Normal Model
m* -esu2/s2 -e-sv2/su (-esu2+msv2)/s2
s*2 su2sv2/s2 sv2 su2sv2/s2

Either the mean or the mode of this distribution can serve as the estimator for u:

E(u|e) = m* + s* [f(-m*/s*) / F(m*/s*)]

M(u|e) = m* if m*³ 0 and M(u|e) = 0 otherwise.

Once the point estimate of u is obtained, estimate of the technical efficiency of each producer can be obtained from

k = exp{-E(u|e)} or exp{-M(u|e)}

The alternative point estimator for technical efficiency of each producer was proposed by Battese and Coelli (1988):

k = E(exp{-u}|e)
= [F(m*/s* - s*) / F(m*/s*)] exp{-m* + ½ s*2}

In either case the estimates of technical efficiency are unbiased but inconsistent.


In this example, we estimate and compare the above three model specifications of stochastic production function using 25 statewise production data (value added, capital, and labor) in the transportation equipment manufacturing industry studied by Zellner and Revankar (1970). To keep the model simple, we assume the Cobb-Douglas functional form for the production technology. For model interpretation, compute and compare the point estimates of technical efficiency for all model specifications.

Copyright © Kuan-Pin Lin
Last updated: April 6, 2008