Stochastic Frontier Analysis for Panel Data

Readings and References:

Using panel data, the production function with technical efficiency is

yit = h(Xit,b)kit, i = 1,2,...N; t = 1,2,...,Ti (time periods may be different for each producer).

where yit is output of firm i at time t and h(Xit,b) is the production function with factor inputs Xit. The efficiency measure is defined by kit = exp(-uit) with 0 < kit£ 1 for uit ³ 0.

Therefore, in logarithm and with added random error term eit, the regression model is

ln(yit) = ln h(Xit,b) - uit + eit

Let ln(yit) = Yit and ln h(Xit,b) = a + ln(Xit)b. The simple case of Cobb-Douglas production function with technical efficiency is written as:

Yit= a + Xitb + eit
= a + Xitb + eit - uit

Technical Efficiency
Technical Efficiency
uit = ui ³ 0 uit = exp{-h(t-Ti)}ui ³ 0
where h is the decay parameter.

Note that for cost minimizing producer, ui is assumed to be nonpositive or ui £ 0.

Time-Invariant Technical Efficiency

Panel data analysis has its straightforward interpretation of technical efficiency in terms of the individual effects, either fixed or random. It uses repeated observations on a sample of producers to replace strong distributional assumptions for the cross section model.

Fixed EffectsRandom Effects
ModelYit = (a + Xitb - ui) + eit Yit = a + Xitb + (eit - ui)
AssumptionE(Xitui) ¹ 0
E(Xiteit) ¹ 0
E(ui) = m, E(Xitui) = 0, E(Xiteit) = 0
The model is re-written as
Yit = a* + Xitb + eit*
a* = a-m, e* = eit-ui+m
E(eit*) = 0, E(Xiteit*) = 0
EstimationOLS with Dummy Variables
Mean Deviation Regression
Partial Mean Deviation Regression
ai = a - ui mi = åt=1,2,...,Tieit*/Ti
a* = maxi=1,2,...,N(ai)
ui* = a* - ai
ki = exp(-ui*)
m* = maxi=1,2,...,N(mi)
ui* = m* - mi
ki = exp(-ui*)

At least one producer is 100 percent technical effecient. Technical efficiency is measured relative to this technical efficient producer.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

For the random effects model,

Yit = a + Xitb + eit

where eit = eit - ui. We assume that eit is i.i.d. normal(0,se2) and distributed independently of ui and the regressors.

Let ei = [ei1,ei2,...,eiTi]'. The density function of the Ti-element vector ei is

f(ei) = 1/(2pse2)Ti/2 exp{-½ ei'ei/se2}

In general, time periods may be different for each producer. However, in the following for notation simplicity, we assume T = Ti and e = ei for a given producer i.

Example: Airline Service Cost Function

Time-Variant Technical Efficiency

In the stochastic frontier analysis, a time dependent specification is required for the study of time-varying technical efficiency term uit. For example,

uit = gi(t)ui

A simple time-varying decay function (Battese and Coelli, 1992) is

gi(t) = exp{-h(t-Ti)}

where h is the decay parameter. For model estimation, maximum likelihood method is suggested.

Derive the log-likelihood functions for half-normal and trucated-normal models with time-variant technical efficiency. Compute and interpret the technical efficiency measures which changes over time.

(To be Continued)

Copyright © Kuan-Pin Lin
Last updated: April 23, 2008