Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

Readings and References:

Consider the dynamic panel data model in it simplest first order form,

Yit = aYit-1 + Xitb + ui + eit

where the lagged dependent variable Yit-1 is a random regressor. That is, E(Yit-1eit) ¹ 0. A set of suitable instrumental varaibles should be used to estimate fixed effects model and random effects models.

Model Estimation

By removing the random effects, estimate the first difference model,

Yit-Yit-1 = a(Yit-1-Yit-2) + (Xit-Xit-1)b + eit-eit-1

or, Yit* = aYit-1* + Xit*b + eit*

The first two observations of each panel are lost in the model.

Copyright © Kuan-Pin Lin
Last updated: April 25, 2008