Yit = Xitb + ui + eit
eit = reit-1 + vit
where |r| < 0 and vit ~ iid(0,sv2). Both the fixed effects model and random effects model are possible.
From a mean deviation regression, remove the individual effect ui:
Yit-Yim = Xit-Ximb + eit-eim
where Yim = åt=1,...,TYit, Xim = åt=1,...,TXit, eim = åt=1,...,Teit.
We write,
Yit* = Xit*b + eit*
where Yit* = Yit-Yim, Xit* = Xit-Xim, and eit* = eit-eim.
The one-step estimator of r is obtained by
åi=1,...,Nåt=2,...,Teit*eit-1* / åi=1,...,Nåt=1,...,Teit*2
If the panel data is unbalanced, we have a sample of data in which each individual i has Ti observations over time. To deal with autocorrelation in panel data, a further complication of unequally spaced time periods may occurred. Specifically, the data may contain observations on individual i at time tij for j=1,2,...,Ni.
For the first-order autocorrelation, set eitij* = 0 if tij-tij-1 > 0. Then the modified one-step estimator r
(åi=1,...,Nåt=2,...,Teit*eit-1*)/m* / (åi=1,...,Nåt=1,...,Teit*2)/n*
where n* is the number of nonzero elements in e* and m* is the number of consecutive pairs of nonzeros eit*s.
The efficiency of the estimator of r may be improved by using Prais-Winsten or Cochrane-Orcutt iterative method.
To remove the AR(1) component in the data, the following transformation is used:
Zit** = Zit* - rZit-1* for t > 1, and
Zi1** = (1-r2)½Zi1*
Denote Yit**, Xit**, and eit** for such transformation of Yit*, Xit*, and eit*, respectively.
For unbalanced unequally spaced panel data, the transformation must be modified to reflect the missing data.
The within estimator of b can be obtained by mean deviation regression for the transformed model:
Yit** = Xit**b + eit**
Similar to the weighted mean deviation regression for estimating the classical random effects model, Baltagi and Wu (1999) developed a GLS method for unequally spaced panel data with AR(1) autocorrelation.
(To Be Continued)
LBI test statistic is described in Baltagi and Wu (1999).
(To Be Continued)