Output I II III IV V VI 1 214 696 3202 5668 6000 11796 2 419 811 4802 7612 8222 15551 3 588 1640 5821 10206 8484 27218 4 1025 2506 9275 13702 10004 30958 /* Data Description: Panel data of output in millions of kilowatt-hours for six firms (I, II, III, IV, V, IV) in four time periods (1, 2, 3, 4) Data Source: W. Greene, "Simutaneous Estimation of Factor Subsititution, Economies of Scale, and Non-Neutral Technical Change," in A. Dogramaci, ed. Econometric Analyses of Productivity, Kluwer-Nijoff, Boston, 1983. Also see W. Greene [1997], Chap. 14, p. 614. */