Historical Reenactments


Reenactments are gatherings at which individuals and groups perform accurate recreations of important historical events. The objective of reenactment is to make history relevant by making it come alive.

Historical reenactors make every attempt to replicate their characters as fully and as accurately as possible. This includes creating and wearing historically accurate costumes, speaking in the language of the period and staying "in character" when interacting with other characters.

Popular reenactments from the colonial period include living history centers such as, Fort Frederick State Park and Colonial Williamsburg. These centers feature costumed docents and reenactments. Other reenactment groups actually "become" the Historical characters they portray. Consider the authenticity of this group of reenactors who portray a band of Colonial Militia from the French and Indian War- Roger's Rangers

Besides being popular with students and visitors, reenactment associations provide an opportunity for individuals to involve themselves in important research and experience history from a "participants" perspective.


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