Photo Analysis Guide

Use this to guide your analysis of the photo you selected as part of this unit on the Civil War. To start, view the image and look for clues to each of the questions below. Then, note answers adn important information as you go.

Describe exactly what you see in the photo. 

What people and objects are shown? 


How are they arranged?

What is the physical setting?

What other details can you see? 


Summarize what you already know about the situation and time period shown. State what you know about the people and objects that appear. Write your conclusions about what you see. Use these questions as a guide:

What's going on in the picture? 
Who are the people and what are they doing?  What might be the function of the objects?  What can you conclude about the time period?

Further Research: What questions has the photo raised? What are some sources you can use to find answers? 


Adapted  from an American Memory Workshop template.

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