\documentclass[11pt]{article} % \useAMS % \newcommand{\qed}{ \hspace{\fill} \framebox(9,10)\\ } % code that allows pictures \usepackage{pictex} \newcommand{\answer}{ {\bf Answer: } } \newcommand{\vtor}[1]{ \stackrel{\scriptstyle \rightharpoonup}{ #1 } } % code for enlarging margins, just delete \% % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} % \setlength{\textwidth}{6.25in} % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} % \setlength{\textwidth}{6.25in} \newcounter{mycounter} \setcounter{mycounter}{1} \newcommand{\prob}[1]{\begin{enumerate} \item[\themycounter.]% \addtocounter{mycounter}{1} #1 \end{enumerate} } \newcommand{\newprob}[1]{\newpage \begin{enumerate} \item[\themycounter.]% \addtocounter{mycounter}{1} #1 \end{enumerate} } \newcommand{\bigprob}[1]{\begin{enumerate} \item[\themycounter.]% \addtocounter{mycounter}{1} #1 \vspace{2.5in} \end{enumerate} } \newcommand{\donetex}{ \vspace{\fill} \hspace*{\fill} Done in \LaTeX. } \begin{document} $\stackrel{\scriptscriptstyle{\rm mth 112}}{\scriptscriptstyle{\rm (Bradford)}} $ \centerline{Pic\TeX-Test \# 1} \hspace{\fill} Name :\underbar{\hspace{1.3in} } \bigskip \noindent When using \LaTeX\ , you can drop a tex file into a problem by invoking the pictex package. The code in the preamble is: \bigskip \hspace*{.5in}$\backslash$usepackage\{pictex\} \vspace{.5in} \prob{Consider the graph of $y = f'(x)$ \bigskip \centerline{ \input testpict1.tex } \bigskip \bigskip State all the intervals where $f(x)$, the original function, is increasing. \vspace{.5in} State all the intervals where $f(x)$ is decreasing. \vspace{.5in} Draw an approximate graph of $y = f''(x)$. Indicate your scales. \vspace{2in} State all the intervals where $f(x)$ is concave up. } % end prob \vspace{.5in} The above graph was included in the file with the following code: \bigskip \hspace{.5in}$\backslash$centerline\{ $\backslash$input testpict1.tex \} \donetex \end{document}