\documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{mathrsfs} % \usepackage{frcursive} % Font Specific commands % % *** Set the font name HERE *** \newcommand{\thisfontname}{mathscr} \newcommand{\thispackagename}{mathrsfs} \newcommand{\thisfont}[1]{{\sf #1 }} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-.5in} \setlength{\textheight}{7.85in} % \setlength{\textwidth}{6.25in} % \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{.5in} \newcommand{\donetex}{ \vspace{\fill} \hspace*{\fill} Done in \LaTeX. } %\newcommand{\ess}{\mbox{\textcursive{s}}} % % end command %\newcommand{\tinyess}{\mbox{\tiny \textcursive{s}}} % % end command \newcommand{\laplace}[1]{\mathscr{L} \left[ ~{ #1 }~\right] % } % end command \newcommand{\Laplace}[1]{\mathscr{L} \left[ ~{ #1 }~\right] % } % end command \newcommand{\invlaplace}[1]{\mathscr{L}^{% \hspace*{.025in}-1} \left[ ~{ #1 }~\right] % } % end command \newcommand{\invLaplace}[1]{\mathscr{L}^{ % \hspace*{.025in}-1} \left[ ~{ #1 }~\right] % } % end command \newcommand{\answer}{ {\bf Answer: } } \begin{document} \centerline{ {\bf Laplace Transforms} } \bigskip \noindent I begin with some fun examples. The technical stuff is on the last page. \bigskip \begin{enumerate} \item Use your table and the results from chapter 6 to evaluate the following. \vspace{1in} \noindent a. $\laplace{ e^{-2\,t}~\cos(3\,t) }$ \vspace{1in} \noindent b. $\laplace{ u_4(t)~\sin(t - 4) }$ \vspace{1in} \noindent c. $\laplace{ t^3~ e^{3\,t} } $ \vspace{1in} \newpage \item Find the following Inverse Laplace Transforms. % alternative commands \tinyess \ess . \vspace{1in} \noindent a. $\invlaplace{\displaystyle { e^{-5 s} \over s}}$ \vspace{1in} \noindent b. $ \invlaplace{\displaystyle {e^{-2 s} \over {s - 6} } }$ \vspace{1in} \noindent c. $\invlaplace{\displaystyle {1 \over (s - 3)^2 + 64} } $ \vspace{.5in} \end{enumerate} $\displaystyle \laplace{\delta_{a}(t)} ~=~ \laplace{\delta(t - a)} ~=~ e^{-as}$ \newpage % end of examples **************************** % Font Page ***************************** \newpage {\tiny {\sf \thispackagename} } \centerline{The Font Tester} \bigskip \noindent To use the {\it \thisfontname} script you must invoke the following font commands in the preamble. \bigskip \% font commands to expand symbols % $\backslash$usepackage[T1]\{fontenc\} % $\backslash$usepackage\{phonetic\} $\backslash$usepackage\{\thispackagename\} \bigskip \bigskip \noindent Also, you must invoke this command in the main body inside the math environment. \bigskip $\backslash$\thisfontname\{ L \} \bigskip To ease the use of this symbol I wrote the commands {\it laplace} and {\it invlaplace} command. Here is the {\it laplace} command in action. The code , $$ \backslash \mbox{laplace\{ e}^{\wedge}\mbox{t }\backslash\mbox{over t\}} $$ yields the mathematical output, $$ \laplace{e^t \over t} $$ \donetex \end{document}