Special Education

Graduate School of Education




An investigation of the prevalence of severe visual impairment among handicapped children: Implications for educators. (1994). Advisor:  Dr. Joel Arick


Refereed Publications


Bickford, J. O. (2004).  Preferences of individuals with vision impairments for use of person-first language.

RE:view, 36(3), 120-126


Non Refereed Publications


Bickford, J. O. (2001). Cultivate new teachers for children who are blind or visually impaired. Counterpoint. NASDE, Fall, 2001


Bickford, J. O. (1998).  The inclusionary express. Future Reflections. 17(4), 41-47.


Bickford, J. O. (1996).   Braille literary usage examination. State of Washington.


Bickford, J. O., & Maron, S. (1988).  Breaking the traditional model: A preservice program to serve visually handicapped learners in rural Oregon and Washington. Proceedings: American Council of Rural Special Education.


Presentations at Professional Meetings

(* peer reviewed)


2005*                 “Competency attainment of teachers of children with visual impairments by completion of a teacher preparation program via distance learning.”  Vision 2005, International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation, London, UK.


2004*                 “Mentor teacher perceptions of skill mastery by TVI students completing a distance learning program.”  AER 2004 Biennial International Conference, Orlando, FL.


2004*                 “Teachers for children with visual impairments in under served areas – A distance learning program.”  Council for Exceptional Children Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.


2003*                 “Teaching Braille literacy via distance learning.” International Literacy Conference, Vancouver, BC.


2001                  “’It’s the process.  Staying out of harm’s way in IDEA.” State Department of Education, Salem, OR.


2001                  “Distance learning and teacher licensure. Making it all work.” Rocky Mountain Regional Conference, AERBVI, Boise, ID.


1998*                    “The residential School and Braille literacy.”  National Federation of the Blind, Annual Convention, Dallas, TX.


1996*                  “But we’ve never done it that way before.” International AER Conference, St. Louis, MO.


1995                   “The inclusionary express. Watch out!” Keynote speech, Northwest Regional Conference for Sensory Impaired Preschool Children,  Seattle, WA.


1993*                  “New directions and roles for schools for the blind.” IDEA Conference, Spokane, WA.


1992                   “Assessment of visually impaired students:  The informal observation.”  Washington State Vision Conference, Tacoma, WA.


1990*                  “Implications for teachers of the visually impaired in rural areas.”  CEC International Conference, Toronto. 


1990*                  “The Portland Project:  A response to the crisis in recruitment and retention.”  AERBVI International Conference, Washington, DC.


1988*                  “Breaking the traditional model: A preservice program for rural visually impaired learners in Oregon and Washington.”  ACRES National convention, Monterey, CA.


1988*                  “Appropriate services for the visually impaired child in rural and isolated areas.”  Washington State Council for Exceptional Children, Seattle, WA.


1985*                  “Outreach services for the visually impaired in rural states.”  Southwest Regional Conference, AERBVI. San Diego, CA.


1979                   “What is an appropriate education for a visually impaired child?”  Arizona Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children, Flagstaff, AZ.


1979                   “Concept development in normal and visually impaired infants and preschool children.”  Arizona Early Childhood Conference, Tucson, AZ.


Honors, Grants and Fellowships


Office of Special Education Programs. (2005). Steppingstones of Technology Innovation for Children with Disabilities. Technology for Early Childhood Braille Literacy (TEC-BL).  Submitted, funding pending.


Oregon Textbook and Materials Center/ American Printing House for the Blind. (2003).  $15,000 (value) permanent equipment loan program.


Frank Porter Graham Child Development Center. (2002-2003). $1000 for curricular support.


Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).  (2002-2007).  Teacher preparation for low incidence disabilities.  Teachers for children with Visual Impairments in Under Served Areas. [TVIs-USA].  $1.5 million. 


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  (2001-2002). Innovation in Early Intervention for Visually Impaired Learners.  $1000. 

Distinguished Educator of the Blind. National Federation of the Blind, 1998.

Outstanding Achievement. Pacific Northwest AERBVI, 2001.


Outstanding Achievement.  AERBVI, 1998.


Other Research and Creative Achievements


The Oregon State School for the Blind: A case study in ideology, politics and fiscal management.  (1990). Unpublished paper. 


The relationship of student success variables and self esteem in disabled community college students.  (1989).  Unpublished paper.

Dr. James “Blue” Bickford

Special Education