Solar Energy Technology Education
Summer 2003

SCI 322U -- Energy and Society, Part II -- CRN 81490
CH 410 -- Solar Energy Technology Education -- CRN 80276
CH 510 -- Solar Energy Technology Education -- CRN 80277

Schedule: June 23 - July 17; Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu : 1:30 - 4:00 pm, SB2-469

Instructor: Carl C. Wamser, Professor of Chemistry ( )

Office: SB1-327A / / Office Hours: daily 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

Graduate Teaching Assistant: Carrie Brown ( )

Textbook: "Energy: Its Use and the Environment" by R. A. Hinrichs & M. Kleinbach

Course description: This course will survey solar energy applications, emphasizing the installation and monitoring of photovoltaic systems and the use of such systems in science and technology education. The course includes laboratory and field work. We can participate in planning the installation of additional solar modules on the rooftop of Science Building 2.


Energy - sources, measurements, interconversions
Renewable energy - water cycle, carbon cycle, wind energy, geothermal
Passive solar - architectural design, solar collectors
Solar energy conversion - photosynthesis and artificial photosynthesis
Photovoltaics - semiconductor properties, performance criteria, manufacturing, economics
PV systems - installation, data collection and analysis, educational uses

Readings: sources will include standard texts and journals

Course Expectations: Daily meetings will typically include lecture/discussion as well as laboratory or field work. Students will maintain reflective journals, ultimately framing individual goals with respect to solar energy and designing a project that reflects those goals.

Grading: attendance and participation in class activities (10%), written assignments --homework, journals, and lab write-ups (20%), midterm exam (20%), group projects (20%), individual projects (30%).