Rationale for Teaching About
Renewable Energy
Declining Non-renewable Reserves
Political and Economical
Environmental Concerns
Education that Connects Students with the Future.

Solar Energy as a Vehicle for Improving Science Literacy
Connects concepts learned in the classroom to the “real world”.
 Renewable Energy can be taught as a stand alone unit or as a reoccurring strand in your program.
 Students are aware of technology that surrounds them.
 Helps students reach state standards.

High School Strands
Earth & Physical Science  grade 9
P.S.  Parallel and Series Circuits effects on Voltage and Amperes
P.S.  Energy Transfers -  Conservation of Energy/ Types of Energy
E.S.  Sun peaks/ Seasons
E.S.  Atmosphere and Insulation
E.S.  Absorption of Light/Heat

Biology     grade 10
Environmental Impacts of  Pollution related to Different types of Energy
Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration
       6CO2 + 6H2O  --->  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Cellular Respiration
    C6H12O6 + O2 ---->   6CO2 +  6H2O

Chemistry   grade 11
Gratzel Cell Lab
       redox reactions
Electrolysis of Water
       types of chemical reactions
                molar volume of gases
Faraday’s Law

Physics And Electronics grade 11-12
Photocurrent as a Function of Distance and Angle of Incidence
   Extensions:  Finding Best Fixed Angle
                       Determine if Chasing the Sun is
                        Rewarded with increased efficiency
Dark and Light I.V. Curve of Solar Module
 How semiconductors work and are used.
Faraday’s Efficiency and Energy Efficiency of Solar Module