Chemistry 332 - Winter 1997

Homework - Chapter 13 Answers

McMurry, pp 405 - 409:
Problems 13.18-20, 23, 26-36, 38-41, 49-52

See the Study Guide for answers for the textbook problems.

1. Predict the general features of the H and 13C NMR spectra of the following compounds. Use the format of question 2 below.

a) diethyl ketone

1-2 ppm, area 6, triplet (methyls)
2-3 ppm, area 4, quartet (methylenes)

13C NMR (proton uncoupled):
three peaks: ~30 ppm (methyls), ~50 ppm (methylenes), ~200 ppm (carbonyl)

b) p-ethylbenzoic acid

1-2 ppm, area 3, triplet (methyl)
2-3 ppm, area 2, quartet (methylene)
7-8 ppm, area 4, multiplet (aromatic)
11-12 ppm, area 1, singlet (carboxylic acid)

13C NMR (proton uncoupled):
seven peaks: ~30 ppm (methyl), ~50 ppm (methylene), 120-180 ppm (4 different aromatic carbons), ~200 ppm (carboxylic acid)

c) CH3-O-CH(CH3)-CH2-CH=O

1-2 ppm, area 3, doublet (methyl)
2-3 ppm, area 2, triplet (methylene) (actually a doublet of doublets)
3-4 ppm, area 3, singlet (methoxy)
3-4 ppm, area 1, multiplet (methine - CH) (actually a triplet of quartets)
9-10 ppm, area 1, triplet (aldehyde)

13C NMR (proton uncoupled):
five peaks: ~30 ppm (methyl), ~50 ppm (methylene), ~70 ppm (methoxy), ~80 ppm (methine - CH), ~200 ppm (carbonyl)

2. Identify the following compounds based on their H NMR spectra:

a) C3H6O

2.72 ppm, area 2, quintet
4.73 ppm, area 4, triplet

b) C8H8O2

11.0 ppm, area 1, singlet
7.0 ppm, area 5, multiplet
3.0 ppm, area 2, singlet

c) C10H14

7.05 ppm, area 4, singlet
2.45 ppm, area 4, quartet
1.05 ppm, area 6, triplet

d) C3H6Br2

3.80 ppm, area 1, multiplet
3.50 ppm, area 2, doublet
1.12 ppm, area 3, doublet

e) C6H10

4.82 ppm, area 2, singlet
2.22 ppm, area 4, triplet
1.65 ppm, area 4, triplet