Chemistry 332 - Spring 1996
Elements of Organic Chemistry II


Where to Get More Information and Help

Folders on Library Reserve

Two folders have been placed with the reserve library. These will contain all of the handouts, answer keys, and other printed materials from the course. All of the same information will also be made available on these Internet pages.

Books on Library Reserve

Organic Nomenclature (2 copies) - a programmed guide

1001 Ways to Pass Organic Chemistry - sample problems

Pushing Electrons - working reaction mechanisms

Reaction Guide for the Brief Organic Course - organizing reactions

Organic Chemistry (Vollhardt & Schore) - full-sized textbook
(including Study Guide with answers)

Chemistry Computer Programs
available for your use in the
Learning Lab, NH 96

Organic Reaction Mechanisms
(copies on Macs #10, 13, 14, 15)

as seen in class!
visualizations of reaction mechanisms

IR Tutor (one copy on Mac #17, one on PC #19)

introduction to spectroscopy in general
introduction to infrared spectra
great visualizations of spectra correlated with molecular vibrations

Spectrum Simulator (multiple copies on Macs)

make your own compounds and see their NMR spectra
correlates the individual hydrogens with their absorptions

Spectra Deck, Parts I and II (multiple copies on Macs)

collections of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, IR, and MS (mass spectra)
includes annotations and explanations of the spectra

Other Chemistry Computer Programs
available for purchase

There are student versions of several organic chemistry computer programs. The ones with * are the ones you see me use in class.

* ChemTV (CD/ROM of 3D animations)
Jones & Bartlett [ (800) 832-0034 ] $87.50 - 2 CD/ROMs + 2 books

ChemWeb (2D structure drawing)
SoftShell [ ] FREE!

* Chemintosh or ChemWindows (2D structure drawing)
SoftShell [ ] $49

Molecules-3D (3D structures and rotations)
Mosby [ (800) 633-6699 ] $29.95

* Organic Reaction Mechanisms (animations of reactions)
Falcon [ ] $39.95

Organic Chemistry (tutorial lessons)
Falcon [ ] $39.95
(also available at PowerSource - the PSU Computer Bookstore)

Study Guide

These are available in the bookstore.

The Study Guide provides detailed answers to all the problems from the text, an outline of the chapter contents, and a list of the skills you should get from the chapter.

Molecular Model Kits

These are available in the bookstore.

Study Groups

You can be resources to one another!
Studying together is a very effective way of learning new material.

Your Professor

Yes, once more I will encourage you to e-mail me any questions, either to me ( ) or to our class list server.
Be sure to include your e-mail address so I can return your mail.

Or come by my office hours (every day from 11 - 12).

Anything else?

Let me know what works for you. Popular or innovative ideas may be posted here or on our class list server.