Chemistry 332 - Spring 1996
Elements of Organic Chemistry II

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Final Exam Information

The final exam will have three components:
1) The majority of the final exam will be a standardized exam developed by the American Chemical Society, which will take 90 minutes. The exam is multiple choice and covers all of organic chemistry, as typically covered in a brief organic course (i.e., our course, as opposed to the full-year course).

2) There will be an additional 20-30 minutes available in our final exam period, and I will add a short quiz over material more specific to the second term of our course (Chapter 17, for example).

3) Immediately after Exam 3 on next Tuesday, I will distribute individualized take-home assignments (i.e., everyone will have something slightly different).

The 200 points alloted to the Final Exam grade will come from:

ACS Exam 100
Quiz 50
Take-Home Assignment 50

How to prepare for a standardized, multiple choice exam, when we've never done that before?

1) Review everything. Conveniently, "A Brief Review of Nearly Everything" is available. It includes resources to help you with the review.

2) All scores will be normalized so that the class average comes out the same as the combined average on the three hour exams. This assures that the standardized exam does not carry excessively large or small weighting compared to the other exams.

3) I will be able to tell you how your score compares with the national percentiles on this exam, which may be useful in reference letters and applications. (Really, our students have generally done better than the national average and we like to be able to mention that).