Organic Chemistry III

Professor Carl C. Wamser

Chem 336 - Spring Term

Pre-Quiz 25

(must be done in D2L before Mon., May 21, 8:30 am)

1. The amino acid with the highest pI value is

a) Pro

* b) Arg

c) Lys

d) Gly

2. At pH 7, the amino acid Asp would be expected to have a net charge of

a) +2

b) +1

c) neutral

* d) -1

e) -2

3. Histamine arises from histidine by what type of reaction?

a) transamination

b) hydrolysis

* c) decarboxylation

d) oxidation

e) reduction

4. At pH 7, the tripeptide ValLysTyr will have all of the following functional groups except

a) carboxylate anion

b) ammonium cation

c) amide

d) phenol

* e) ketone

5. An example of a protein's tertiary structure would be

a) alpha-helix

b) beta-sheet

* c) disulfide bridge

d) N-terminus