Chem 336 - Spring 2000
Organic Chemistry III

Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 26 Skills

Knowledge - Level 1

know the terminology:

metabolism, coenzymes, beta-oxidation, glycolysis

know the basic structures:


Concepts - Level 2

identify the pathways by which different types of foods are digested (after initial hydrolysis into their constituent components)

fats -> fatty acids: beta-oxidation
carbohydrates -> monosaccharides: glycolysis
proteins -> amino acids

recognize the role of ATP hydrolysis as an energy source

recognize the roles of NAD+ and FAD as oxidants and NADH and FADH2 as reductants in biological reactions

identify the various fates of pyruvate after glycolysis

Applications - Level 3

identify the types of reactions in various steps of metabolism or other biological processes

predict the products that are generated by steps in the beta-oxidation or glycolysis pathways