Chem 334 - Fall 1998 - Organic Chemistry I
Portland State University - Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 1 Quiz

1. (5 points) Write complete Lewis structures, including all lone pairs and formal charges, for the two isomers HOCN and HNCO. When either isomer loses a proton, the same anion results. Write complete Lewis structures, including all lone pairs and formal charges, for the two major resonance forms of the anion and predict which is the more important contributing structure.

the negative charge is more stable on the more electronegative atom, i.e., on O

2. (3 points) Identify the hybridization of each carbon atom in the structure below.

3. (2 points) Identify the expected bond angles about each carbon in the structure below.

the terminal carbons are tetrahedral (~109° angles)

the central carbons are trigonal planar (~ 120° angles)