Chem 334 - Fall 1998 - Organic Chemistry I
Portland State University - Dr. Carl C. Wamser

Chapter 9 Pre-Quiz Answers

Pre-Quiz, Chapter 9 ­ TAKE HOME ­ Turn in by 9:00 am Wed, 11/25

1. (4 points) For the compound (R)-2-butanol, write out each of the following reactions:

a) formation of a tosylate ester

b) reaction with sodium metal

c) reaction with sodium hydride

d) oxidation by sodium dichromate

e) reaction with hot sulfuric acid

f) reaction a) followed by treatment with NaI in acetone

g) reaction b) followed by treatment with CH3I

h) reaction with PCC

2. (1 point) Write a complete name for the following:
