Jack C. Straton, Associate Professor, Physics & University Studies
Dr. Straton studies nanometrology, quantum scattering theory, the under-representation of women in science, diversity and multicultural awareness training, and methods for teaching quantum mechanics, relativity, and astronomy to nonscientists.
Tools for Becoming a White Antiracist Educator
Pooled Resources for Electron Microscopy Informatics Education and Research (PREMIER)
Jack C. Straton, Relativity Lite: A Pictorial Translation of Einstein’s Theories of Motion and Gravity, Portland State University Library, 2020
An integral representation for quantum amplitudes, by Jack C. Straton, Phys. Scr. 98,105406 (2023) ; DOI: 10.1088/1402-4896/acf531.
Reducing a Class of Two-Dimensional Integrals to One-Dimension with an Application to Gaussian Transforms by Jack C. Straton, Atoms 8, 53 (2020); DOI: 10.3390/atoms8030053.
Polarization in the production of the antihydrogen ion, Casey A. Yazejian and Jack C. Straton, Euro. Phy. J. D, 74, 156 (2020); DOI: 10.1140/epjd/e2020-100548-7.
Analytical Results for the Three-Body Radiative Attachment Rate Coefficient, with Application to the Positive Antihydrogen Ion , Jack C. Straton, Atoms 8, 13 (2020); DOI: 10.3390/atoms8020013.
Positionality in Teaching: Implications for Advancing Social Justice by Angelica Paz Ortiz, Beth Tarasawa, Noelle Al-Musaifry, Anmarie Trimble, and Jack Straton, The Journal of General Education, 67(1-2), 2018, pp. 109-121 DOI: 10.5325/jgeneeduc.67.1-2.0109
Alice Paul Awards for Women Who Have Worked to Confront Men's Violence Against Women, Robert Brannon, Chris O'Sullivan, Rose Garrity, Don Bell, Jack Straton, Phyllis Frank, Barry Goldstein, and David Greene, Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence: 2 (1), Article 9. (2017) DOI: 10.23860/dignity.2017.02.01.09
Producing the positive antihydrogen ion via radiative attachment, C M Keating, K Y Pak and Jack C Straton J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49(7), 074002 (2016)DOI:10.1088/0953-4075/49/7/074002.
Removal of multiple-tip artifacts from scanning tunneling microscope images by crystallographic averaging, Jack C. Straton, Bill Moon, Taylor T. Bilyeu, and Peter Moeck, Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging 1,14 (2015) DOI: 10.1186/s40679-015-0014-6
Gay Marriage and the Paradox of Existence, Jack C. Straton, Contemporary Buddhism 16(2) 490-506 (2015) DOI: 10.1080/14639947.2015.1026152.
Analytic solution for a quartic electron mirror, Jack C. Straton, Ultramicroscopy 148, 168 (2015) DOI 10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.09.003.
General state-to-state transitions in atoms for either Yukawa or Coulomb potentials via Fourier transforms, Jack C. Straton, Can. J. Phys 93 (3), 326-338 (2015) doi: 10.1139/cjp-2014-0214.
On the production of the positive antihydrogen ion via radiative attachment, Chris Keating, Mike Charlton, and Jack C. Straton, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 225202 (2014) doi:10.1088/0953-4075/47/22/225202.
The effect of the spatial extent of double tips on crystallographic image processing for Scanning Tunneling Microscopes, by Jack C. Straton, Taylor T. Bilyeu, and Peter Moeck . J. Adv. Microsc. Res.9, 206-216 (2014).
Double-tip effects on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy imaging of 2D periodic objects and limits of their removal by crystallographic averaging in the spatial frequency domain, Jack C. Straton, Taylor T. Bilyeu, Bill Moon, and Peter Moeck, Cryst. Res. Technol. 49, 663 (2014) DOI 10.1002/crat.201300240.
Enhanced Image Contrast with Delocalized Near-field Excitation, E. S‡nchez, A. Dunham, D. Nowak, J. Straton, and J. Doughty , Cryst. Res. Technol. 49 (2014) DOI 10.1002/crat.201300325.
Overcoming Roundoff Errors in the First-Order Amplitude for General-State to -State Transitions in Hydrogen by Projectile Impact, by Jack C. Straton, Can. J. Phys 91(9): 682-688 (2013).
Crystallite Thickness Estimates from Precession Electron Diffraction Patterns for Structural Fingerprinting in the Quasi-kinematic Limit, by P. Moeck, J. Straton, S. Rouvimov, I. Haeusler, Microscopy and Microanalysis 18(S2), 562-563 (2012;). DOI:10.1017/S1431927612004667
Crystallographic Processing of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Cobalt Phthalocyanines on Silver and Graphite, P. Moeck, J. Straton, M. Toader, and M. Hietschold, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1318, 149-154 (2011).
Quantum physics and welfare policy?, Jack C. Straton, BRIDGES: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theology, Philosophy, History, and Science 14 (3/4), 251-88 (Fall/Winter 2007).pdf
Activism through music, Cherry Muhanji and Jack C. Straton, Inventio—Creative Thinking about Learning and Teaching 7(1), (Spring 2005).
Communicating in a group, Jack C. Straton, The Journal of Student Centered Learning 2 (3), 195-203 (2005).
Senior Inquiry: A university/high school collaboration, Barbara Traver, Jack C. Straton, Jan Whittlesey, Dave Erhenkranz, Tom Wells, Pat McCreery, Maarja Paris, Candyce Reynolds, and Judy Patton, Academic Exchange Quarterly 7(3), 52-6 (Fall 2003).
Beyond guilt: How to deal with societal racism, Lauren N. Nile and Jack C. Straton, in Multicultural Education 10(4), 2-6 (2003). Reprinted in Lessons from The Color of Fear, Volume IV, Field Reports: Using The Color of Fear in the Classroom Victor Lee Lewis and Hugh Vasquez (eds.) (Speak Out – The Institute for Democratic Education and Culture, Emeryville, CA, 2008), pp. 150-167.
Analytically continued Hypergeometric expression of the Incomplete Beta Function, Jack C. Straton, Results in Mathematics 41 (3-4), 394-395 (2002).
Rule of thumb versus rule of law, Jack C. Straton, Men and Masculinities 5 (1), 101-107 ( 2002).
The Incomplete Gamma Function Expressed as a Sum of Macdonald Functions, Jack C. Straton, Results in Mathematics 39 (1-2), 188-191 (2001).
White-Bashing: Teaching hot-button issues via indirection, Jack C. Straton, Democracy & Education 13 (4), 69 (Fall, 2000).
Approaching critical thinking through science, Linda A. George and Jack C. Straton, J. of General Education 48, 111 (1999).
Anti-proton and proton impact excitation-ionization of helium including resonant decay, Jack C. Straton, J. H. McGuire, and A.L.Godunov, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B 143, 225 (1998).
Independent center, independent electron approximation for dynamics of molecules and clusters, J. H. McGuire, Jack C. Straton, and J. Wang, Y. D. Wang and O. L. Weaver, S. E. Corchs and R. D. Rivarola, J. Chemical Physics 105, 1846 (1996).
Third-order pseudostate calculation of excitation-ionization of helium by protons and antiprotons, Jack C. Straton, J. Wang, J. H. McGuire, and L. Nagy, Can. J. Phys 74, 554 (1996).
Mass transfer at high energies: Thomas peak, J. H. McGuire, Jack C. Straton, and T. Ishihara, in Atomic, Molecular, & Optical Physics Handbook, Gordon W. F. Drake (ed.) (AIP Press, Woodbury, New York, 1996), Chapter 55, pp. 659-663.
Overview of Thomas processes for fast mass transfer, J. H. McGuire, Jack C. Straton, and T. Ishihara, in Many-Body Atomic Physics, James J. Boyle and M.S. Pindzola (eds.), (Cambridge University Press, July 18, 1998), Chapter 12.
Ionization-excitation of helium by fast, charged particles, L. Nagy, J. Wang, Jack C. Straton, and J. H. McGuire, Phys. Rev. A 52, R902 (1995).
A workaround for embedding CMS generational information in DCL command files, Jack C. Straton and Elizabeth Ohlmann, Digital Systems Journal, 20 (March/April, 1995).
The myth of the "Battered Husband Syndrome," Jack C. Straton, Masculinities: Interdisciplinary Studies on Gender 4, 79 (1994).
Interpretation of scattering by charged particles and photons, J.H. McGuire and Jack C. Straton, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 87, 17 (1994).
Transfer and Ionization in Collisions of Positrons with Atoms. J. H. McGuire and Jack C. Straton, Hyperfine Interactions 73, 27 (1992).
A technique for the Evaluation of Double Excitation of Atoms by Fast Protons and Antiprotons. Jack C. Straton, J. H. McGuire, and Zheng Chen, Phys. Rev. A 46, 5514 (1992).
Formation of Positronium in e+ + H- collisions. Jack C. Straton and Richard J. Drachman, Phys. Rev. A 44, 7335 (1991).
CMPT -- A Program Giving the Analytical Result of Nordsiek's Integral with Powers of the Radius from -1 to 6. Jack C. Straton, Computer Physics Communications 66, 66 (1991).
Double Excitation of Helium by Fast Particles of Charge Z. J. H. McGuire and Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 43, 5184 (1991).
Fock-Tani Hamiltonian for Reactions Involving Two-Electron Atoms. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 43, 6018 ( 1991).
Space and Time Correlation in High Velocity Multiple Electron Transitions. J. H. McGuire and Jack C. Straton, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B56/57, 192 (1991).
First-Order Amplitude for General State-To-State Transitions in Hydrogen by Projectile Impact. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 43, 1381 (1991).
Double Excitation of Helium by Fast Protons and Antiprotons. Jack C. Straton, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods B56/57, 10 (1991).
Reduced Form for Coulomb-Wave Multicenter Integrals. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 42, 307 (1990).
High-Velocity Limits for the Ratio of Double to Single Ionization of Helium by Projectiles with Electrons. Y. D. Wang, Jack. C. Straton, J. H. McGuire and R. D. DuBois, J. Phys. B 23, L133 (1990).
Reduced Form for the General-State Multicenter Integral from an Integro-Differential Transform. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 41, 71 (1990).
Post-Prior Symmetrical First-Order T-Matrix for Charge Transfer. Jack C. Straton and Marvin D. Girardeau, Phys. Rev. A 40, 2991 (1989).
Recoil Distributions in Particle Transfer. J. H. McGuire, J. C. Straton, W. Axmann, T. Ishihara, and E. Horsdal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2933 (1989).
Analytically Reduced Form of Multicenter Integrals from Gaussian Transforms. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 39, 1676 (1989).
Analytically Reduced Form for the Class of Integrals Containing Products of Multi-Center 1s Hydrogenic Orbitals, Coulomb or Yukawa Potentials, and Plane Waves. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 39, 5071 (1989).
Fourier Transform of the Product of Multi-Center 1s Hydrogenic Orbitals and Coulomb or Yukawa Potentials and the Analytically Reduced Form for Subsequent Integrals that Include Plane Waves. Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 39, 5062 (1989).
Reduced-mass Fock-Tani representations for a+ + (b+ c- ) Æ ( a+ c- ) + b+ and first-order results for {abc} = {ppe , epe , mpm , mdm ,and mt m}, Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 35, 3725 (1987).
Fourier transform of the product of N one-center hydrogenic orbitals, Jack C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 35, 2729 (1987).
Fock-Tani transformation and a first-order theory of charge transfer, P. C. Ojha, M.D. Girardeau, J. D. Gilbert, and J. C. Straton, Phys. Rev. A 33, 112 (1986).