Frank Stipak

August 9, 1915 - September 7, 1997

'Open your eyes and look for some man, or some work for the sake of men, which needs a little time, a little friendliness, a little sympathy, a little human toil. See if there is not some place where you may invest your humanity.'
--Albert Schweitzer

Throughout his long life my father lived by his strong social consciousness and liberal humanistic outlook. He wrote countless letters to the editor about public issues, founded several local civic organizations, marched with Cesar Chavez and the farm workers, and personally took up many civic and social causes, such as ending racial segregation in housing. He traveled throughout the world, worked for the Organization of American States and the Asian Development Bank, and was involved in developing water resources in Latin America, the Middle East, and Asia, including Bangladesh. He could at a moment's notice say a few words in many languages, a skill he used effectively to strike up immediate friendships with people from other cultures. He remained intensely intellectually interested to the end of his life.

Besides this tribute to my father's outlook and accomplishments, I would also like to share something personal for me--how my father and I enjoyed many experiences in the outdoors together. When I was young he took me camping and hiking. Together we started doing backpacking. Later I got him involved in skiing and mountaineering. Although he had not been especially athletic earlier in his life, he began these new activities, and found great pleasure in them, at an age when people more typically give them up. I highlight this positive example he gave us for approaching older age by listing below his age at the time of some of these outdoor pursuits.

Outdoor Activities, Milestones:

Other photographs in outdoor settings:

See videotape of him skiing.

Hear him reminiscing about skiing experiences.

Hear him talking jocularly while cooking dinner when camping.

Hear him describing his last difficult backpack trip.

Hear him reminiscing about mountaineering experiences.

See an early photograph (about 1963) of us playing chess.

Photographs that show his sense of humor:

Hear him joking in Japanese.

Hear him telling one of his favorite jokes.

Hear him make a witty 'put down' of me.

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