PA551 Formula Sheet

There are two versions of the file for the PA551 formula sheet. Both files are in the PA551 folder.

Most users should open and print the Word file, "Formulas.doc".

The other file, "Formulas.wp5", is a WordPerfect 5.1 file that may produce a slightly nicer printed page if printed with the WordPerfect 5.1 program.

The most common problems with getting the special symbols to print correctly, or to display on the monitor correctly, occur with sub-scripts, superscripts, and special symbols like "X bar". In the Word version of the file I used a graphics image to insert the "X bar" character.

I will hand out in class a printed version of the class formula sheet that is almost perfect.

You can also refer to the textbook for formulas, but I think most students prefer my one-page formula sheet.

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