Topics for Individual Presentations and Topic Essays

(Note: This is a partial list. Approve all topics, except reviews of the specific books listed below and topic suggestions that I provide in class handouts, through me. Email, or turn in on paper, your specific topic to me for approval.)

Book reviews of noteworthy books related to public administration:

Examine the controversy about the "principles of public administration" and whether they are "proverbs of administration". First read Herbert Simon's 1946 Public Administration Review article, "The Proverbs of Administration", which is available on my web site. Then read some of the writings by Gulick and by White that Simon criticizes. Write a critical essay about the principles and Simon's critique of the principles.

Compare/contrast two-four articles in a relevant professional journal(s), such as the Public Administration Review.

Critically relate some public administration readings to your professional experience.

Take some important public administration topic and write a critical essay comparing what two-four basic public administration textbooks say about that topic.

Examine two-four basic public administration textbooks, looking carefully at how they are organized and their choice of topics. Write a critical essay about what this shows about the field of public administration.

Take a possibly important historical influence on public administration

Investigate the influence on public administration by researching how much it is referred to in five-ten basic public administration textbooks, and write an essay on your findings.