Mentor Session Calendar






**Week One**

Introduction to class and mentor session
What is a cultural artifact and explanation of Artifact Log assignment
Bring an artifact to mentor session for week two

**Week Two**

Present cultural artifact to mentor session

**Week Three**

Early term assessment
Profanity and how can we study popular culture?
Introduce research paper + initial brainstorming

**Week Four**

Writing Research Papers + Source Discussion
Brainstorming topics

**Week Five**

Writing Research Papers + Q&A
Discussion: part of Introducing Postmodernism

**Week Six**

Discussion: High Fidelity

**Week Seven**

Talk about Create an Object Assignment
Discussion: High Fidelity

**Week Eight**

Discussion: Introducing Postmodernism

**Week Nine**

Present cultural artifact to mentor session

**Week Ten**

Course evaluation
Rest TBD (updated on web site)




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