Serge Preston


February 2012.




Ph.D.               1978  Mathematics, Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of

                                    Science of the USSR, Leningrad, USSR.


M.Sc.               1973 Applied Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University, USSR.




1998- present   Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Portland

                         State University, Portland, OR.


1993- 1997     Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Portland

                        State University, Portland, OR.


1989-1992     Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Portland

                       State University, Portland, OR.


1988-1989       Member, Program in Lie Group Representations and Symplectic

                        Geometry Mathematical Science Research Institute, Berkeley, CA.


1980-1987             Researcher, Laboratory of Functional Analysis, Institute of Mathematics,

                       Siberian Branch of Academy of Science of the USSR, Novosibirsk, USSR. 

1977-1980             Assistant Professor, Altai Politechnical Institute, Barnaul, USSR.


1975-1976              Research Assistant, Department of Differential Equations,

                         Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, USSR.


Dissertations, date and name of the director:


Ph.D    Integration of Harish-Chandra Modules of Semi-Simple Lie Algebras, Steklov

            Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Science of the USSR, St. Petersburg Branch,

            St. Petersburg, USSR, 1978. Dissertation advisor: Professor S. Sobolev, Chairman

            of Counsel : Professor L. Faddeev.


M.S.    Numerical Integration of functions of Jevrey classes, Novosibirsk State University,

            Novosibirsk, USSR, 1973, Professor S. Sobolev,  supervisor.




Fields of research: Differential Geometry, Dynamical Systems, Variational Calculus,

                               Continuum Mechanics, Material Science, Thermodynamics.





 International Journal of Geometrical Methods in Modern Physics (IJGMMP), Vol.9,No.1 (2012), 1250013, 34p.

S. Preston, “Variational Bicomplex and the Balance Systems”,  SIGMA, issue for S4 Symposium, SIGMA 7 (2011), 063, 18 pages.


S. Preston, ”Forms of Lepage type and the balance systems”,  Proceedings of the DGA 2010, Brno, Czech Rep., Aug. 2010, World Scientific, 2011, pp. .


M. Dolfin, M. Francaviglia, S. Preston, L. Restuccia, “Material Point Model and Geometry of Entropy Form”,  IJGMMP, v7, N6  (September), 2010, pp. 1021-1042.


S. Preston, “Variational theory of balance systems", International Journal of Geometrical Methods of Modern Physics, v7 N5 (August), 2010, pp 745-795.

S. Preston, M. Elzanowski, “Material Uniformity and the Concept of the Stress Space in “Continuous Media with Microstructure” Proceedings,  in honor of  Prof. Dr. Krzysztof  Wilmanski , Springer, 2010.

D. Fish, S. Preston, "On the Integrability of Orthogonal Distributions in Poisson Manifolds",   Balkan Journal of the Geometry and Applications, Volume 15 (2010), No. 2, pp.49-60.


S. Preston, Noncommuting variations in the Lagrangian field theory and the dissipation, IL NUOVO CIMENTO Vol. 32 C, N. 1 Gennaio-Febbraio 2009, pp. 159-172.


 S. Preston, “Thermodynamics, Geometry and the Heisenberg Group”,   Appendix A, in the book E. Binz, S. Pods, “The Geometry of Heisenberg Group in Signal Theory, Optics, and Quantization”,   AMS, Providence,  2008.


M. Francaviglia, V. Ciancio, M. Dolfin, S. Preston, “Uniform materials and the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient in finite Elasto-Plasticity,” Journal of Non Equilibrium Thermodynamics, v.33, 2008.


 S. Preston, “Variational Theory of Balance Systems”, in “Differential Geometry and its Applications”, Proceedings. Conf., in Honour of Leonhard Euler,”,  Olomouc, August 2007,   World Scientific, pp. 675–688, 2008.


S. Preston, J. Vargo, "Indefinite  metric of R. Mrugala and the geometry of thermodynamical phase space", in “Proceedings of THERMOCONN 2005”,   Atti dell’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messibna, It., Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali Vol. LXXXVI, C1S0801019 (2008) - Suppl. 1-12.


 M.Elzanowski, S.Preston, “A Model of the Self-Driven Evolution of a Defective Continuum”, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, Vol.12, N.4, 450-465, 2007.


S. Preston, Geometrical Theory of Balance Systems and the Entropy Principle, Proceedings of GCM7, Lancaster, UK, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol.62, pp.1-52, 2007.


A. Chudnovsky, S. Preston, “4D Geometrical Modeling of A Material Aging”,  International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics,  v.3, N8 (2006), pp.1-30,   extended version see at  arXive, math-ph/0604034, April 16,2006.


 D. Cao, D. Liu, S. Preston, R. Tucker, “Evolutionary Systems for Slender Thermomechanical Structures,” in Proceedings of   “Global Integrability of Field Theories, Nov. 1-3, ed. By J.Calmet, W.Seiler, R.Tucker, Universitatsverlag, Karlsruhe, 2006.


M. Elzanowski, S. Preston, "On the torsion evolution of 2-dim uniform materials", “Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids”, April 7, 2006.


  M. Elzanowski, S. Preston, "Modeling the Evolution of Inhomogeneities", in. Yongqi Wang, K.Hutter, “Trends in Applications of   Mathematcs to Mechanics”,  Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 2005, 391-398.


 B. Botvinnik, S. Preston, “Conformal Laplacian and Conical Singularities", in  Proceeding of the School on High-Dimensional Manifold Topology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, World Scientific, 2003., also  arXiv: math. DG/0201058 v.2 8 Jan 2002.


S.Preston, I. Kunin, J.Gliklikh, G.Chernukh,  “On the geometrical characteristics of chaotic dynamics,I”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 41 (2003),495-506.


A. Chudnovsky, S. Preston,_”Configurational mechanics of Necking Phenomena” in Engineering Thermoplastics, Mechanics Research Communications, 29 (2002), 465-475.


 A. Chudnovsky, S. Preston, “Variational Formulation of a Material Ageing Model”,  in “Configurational Mechanics of Materials”, ed. G.Maugin, R. Kienzler, Springer, Wien, 2001, pp.273-306.


  A. Chudnovsky, S.Preston, “Geometrical Modeling of Material Aging”, Extracta  Mathematicae 11(1) (1996) 1-15.


  M. Elzanowski., S. Preston, “On Non-Holonomic Second-Order Connections with  Applications to Continua with Microstructure”, Extracta Mathematicae 11(1) (1996) 51-58.


 S. Preston, I. Kunin, "G-moving Frames and their Applications in Dynamics", "Int. J. of Engineering Science", v.33, n.15, pp.  2261-2275, 1995.


  M. Elzanowski, S. Prishepionok, "Connections on Higher Order Frame Bundles” in: Tamassy and J.Szenthe (eds),   New Developments in Differential Geometry, Debrecin, 1994, pp. 131-142., Kluver Acad. Publishers, 1996.


S. Prishepionok, M. Elzanowski,_  "Higher Grade Material Structures”, pp.63-68,  in D.Parker, A.England (eds), IUTAM Symposium on Anisotropy, Inhomogeneity  and Nonlinearity, Kluver Acad.Publishes,1995.


I.Kunin, S. Prishepionok, F. Houssain, X.Zhou, "Moving frames in continuous  and discrete systems", in "Matherials Sciences  Forum", vol.123-125 (1993),  pp. 175-184.


. S. Prishepionok., M. Elzanowski., "On homogeneous configurations of Uniform Elastic Bodies, in "Matherials Sciences Forum", vol.123-125 (1993), p.155-164.


  M. Elzanowski, S. Prishepionok, Locally Homogeneous configurations of Uniform Elastic Bodies, Rep. on Math. Physics, v. 31, 1992, p.229-240.


  S.Prishepionok, I. Kunin, F. Hussain, X. Zhou, "Centroidal Frames in  Dynamical Systems, parts I, Proc. Roy. Soc.,   London, A(1992) 439,  pp. 441-463.


 Prishepionok, S. The Bertrand Problem", Siberian Mathematical Journal,v. 27,  No. 3,pp.450-454, 1986.


 Prishepionok, S., "Abel Transformations and Harmonic Analysis, I",  Siberian Mathematical Journal, v.26, No. 5,    pp. 736-749, 1985.


 Prishepionok, S. "Weyl Groups of Parabolic Subgroups of Real

Semi-Simple Lie Groups", Soviet Math. Dokl.,  vol.24, No. 3, pp.467-471, 1981.


 Prishepionok, S. Topologie naturelle pour les representations lineaires des  algebres de Lie semi-simples",  I.C.R.,Ac. Sci.Paris,   t.286, Ser.A. 20 mars 1978,  pp. 499-502; II.C.R.,Ac. Sci. Paris,t.288, Ser.A. 8 janvier  1979, pp. 9-12.


 Prishepionok, S. "On the Harish-Chandra component of Regular Representation of  SL(2,R)",  Functional Analysis and Appl.,  v.10,  No.1, pp. 76-77, 1976.


  Prishepionok, S. "On a sl(2)-module", Atti della Academia Nazionale dei  Linchei, v. LVII, No. 5, pp. 308-310, 1974.




.To appear:

Submitted articles:  


Work in progress:


BookS.Preston, A. Chudnovsky, “4-D Geometric Modeling of Aging Phenomena”,




1 .S. Preston, R. Lyons, “Entropy Principle and the Supplementary Balance Laws in Continuum Thermodynamics. EDS methods”.


1. A. Chudnovsky, S. Preston, “Porous media relaxation. Material and physical space-time representations”.


3. S. Preston, “On the algebra and geometry of  balance systems”.


4. S. Preston, L. Restuccia, M.Dolfin, " Entropy Principle, Local Quazi-Equilibria and the Entropy Forms".

5. S. Preston, "Notes on the Non-Commuting Variations".






                Cycle of 4 lectures: “Geometric modeling of material aging and

        the irreversible processes in the Groningen Sandstone ”at the

        “Study Days: Recent Ideas in Thermodynamics”,

                   Department of Mathematics, Universita degli study di Messina

       and the Academia Peloritana di Pericolanti, Messina, Italy,

       September 10- 17, 2011.

                    Lecture "Geometrical modeling of material aging" at the Colloquium, Department of Mathematics,

                    Ostrava University, Ostrava, Czech Republik, Septemvber 9,2011.


                  Cycle of lectures: “Noncommuting Variations in the Lagrangian Field Theory”,

                  XVI School in Global analysis, Masaruk University, Brno, August 8-12, 2011.  



      Cycle of 3 lectures: “Supplementary Balance laws and the Entropy Principle”

                   at the “Study Days: Recent Ideas in Thermodynamics”,

                   Department of Mathematics, Universita degli study di Messina,

       Messina, Italy, September 10- 14, 2010.



                  Lecture “Noncommuting variations and the dissipation in the classical field

                  Theory”, Department of Mathematics colloquium, University of Lecce,

                   Lecce, Italy, October 5, 2009.


                  Cycle of 3 lectures: “Recent Ideas in Thermodynamics” at the

                 “Study Days”, Department of Mathematics and the Academia

                 Peloritana di Pericolanti, University of Messina, Messina, Italy,

                 September 23-28, 2009


                 Cycle of four lectures: “Recent Ideas in Thermodynamics” at the

                 “Study Days”, Department of Mathematics and the Academia

                 Peloritana di Pericolanti, University of Messina, Messina, Italy,

                 October 6-8, 2008.


                Dissipation: its forms and mathematical modeling. Colloquium, Department

                 of Mathematics, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA,

                 November 14, 2007.


                Dissipative Potentials, Seminar, Departamento di Mathematica, University

    di Messina, It, September 2007.


                Spacial and material covariance in the Continuum Mechanics, Academia

                Peloritana di Pericolanti, Messina, It, September 2007.


                Variational Theory of balance systems, Seminar, Departamento di

    Mathematica, University di Messina, It, October 2006.


               4D geometrical modeling of material properties, Academia Peloritana

   di Pericolanti, Messin , It, October 2006.


               Balance systems and Entropy Principle, Colloquium, Department of

    Mathematics and Informatics, Universitat Mannheim, Germany, Sept. 2006.


              “Heisenberg group and Thermodynamics”, Seminar, Universitat Mannheim,

    Germany, October 7, 2005.


             “Variational model of material aging phenomena”, Department of

             Physics, Lankaster University, U.K.  October 2, 2005.


               “Geometrical Modeling of Inelastic Evolution: Aging Rod and Phase

             Traisitions, Coloquium, Oregon State University, April 2004.


            “Geometrical modeling of material ageing and other inelastic phenomena”,

             Colloquium, Institut fur Theoretishe Physik, Technische Universitat Berlin,

             Berlin,  Germany, November 2002.


            “Geometry and dynamics of uniform materials”, Seminar talk, Department of

 mathematics and informatics, Universitat Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany,

 October 2002.


            “Geometrical modeling of material ageing and other inelastic phenomena”,

             Colloquium, Productionstechnik, Universitat Bremen, Germany, October 2002.


            “Geometry and dynamics of uniform materials”, Colloquium, Instituto de

              Matematicas   y Fisica Fundamental, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, October 2002.


            “Pseudoriemannian metric and the double bracket dissipation, Topology/Geometry

 Sem., Math. Dept., UO, Eugene, OR, March 18, 2002.


            “Geometry of the phase flow and chaos”, workship, Mech. Engr. Dept., Univeristy

of Houston, February 8-10, 2002.


            “Geometrical Structures of Materials”,  workshop, CEMM,

            University of Illinois at Chicago, IL, April 26-27,  2001.


            “Geometrical form of Eshelby Tensor “, Workshop in variational methods of

             crack propagation, UIChicago, IL, September 1998.





                 “Forms of Lepage type and the Balance Systems” at XI International

                 Conference “Differential Geomety and Applications” (DGA 2010),

                 Brno, Czech Republic, August 27-31, 2010.


                “Geometry of the Noncommuting Variations in Lagrangian Field Theory,

                  Intenational conference on differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems

                  2009, Univerrsita Politechinca, Bukharest, October 8, 2009.


               “Noncommuting Variations in Lagrangian Field Theory and the Dissipation”,

               Eights International Symposium: Geometry, Continuum and Microstructure”,

               Catania, It, October 10-12, 2008.


              “Secondary Balance laws and the Entropy Principle”, September 25, 2008,

              STAMM 2008, Symposium on applications of Mathematics in Mechanics,

              Levico, It, September 22-25, 2008.


             “Variational Theory of Balance systems”, X International Conference “Differential

              Geomety and Applications”,  Olomouc, Czech Republic, August 27-31, 2007.


             “Multisymplectic Theory of Balance Systems and the Entropy Principle”, The

              Seventh International Seminar on Geometry, Continua and Microstructures, Department

              of  Physics, Lancaster University, GB, September 2006.


            “Indefinite metric of R. Mrugala and the geometry of the thermodynamical phase

             space”, “Thermoconn 2005”, Messina, Italy, September 26-30, 2005.


            “Canonical Ehresmann Connection on the Dual to a Compact Semi-Simple Lie

             Algebra”, AMS meeting, Phoenix, AR, January 2004.          


       “On the geometrical characteristics of chaotic dynamics”, talk at the symposium

        dedicated to A.C.Eringen, SES Meeting, Phyladelphya, October 2002.


            “Geometrical Modeling of Cold Drawing (Necking) in Engineering

           Thermoplastics”, Lecture at Symposium on the Eshelbian Mechanics

            of Materials, of , ASME – San Diego, June 27-29, 2001.


            “4D-material metric and Aging of Materials”, talk at the Conference: “Material

            Science Enginering” Philadelphia, June 1999.


            “Centroidal G-moving frames and their applications in the dynamcis”, talk at the

            Conference in honor of V.Arnold,  Fields Institute, Toronto, July 1998.


            "Group Drift over the domains of relative ergodic motions and attractors",

            AMS meeting, April 1998, Corvallis, OR.


            "Aging Phenomena and the Intrinsic Material Geometry", on Third Meeting on

            Current Ideas in Mechanics and Related Fields", Segovia, Spain, June 1995.




American Mathematical Society

International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP),

International Society for Interaction of Mathematics and Mechanics (ISIMM),  

L’Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina,It  (corresponding member),

Balkan Society of Geometers  (member of Honor).



Recent graduate students:


Banbao Xu (Ph.D.,2004),

Dan Fish (Ph.D.,2005),

Manuel Santoro (Ph.D,2005),

Jim Vargo (M.S.,2005),

 Tom Kurrash (M.S.,2006),

Robert Thompson (M.S.,2008),

Robert Lyons (Ph.D, current),

Greta Swanson (M.S.,2010),

D. Toon, current..