We've seen the 'Sine',
Now let's feel the 'Func'tions...

I was a bit limited in the types of functions that I could choose for this exploration.
I was forced to choose a function that I could remember
how to take the derivative and anti-derivative of.
I chose a third degree polynomial.  I must admit it took me multiple tries to find an equation with a decent picture to talk about.

Below is the graph of the function y=(1/3)x^3-(5x)

In the class that I teach at Tigard High School we discuss several pieces of a function, including relative extrema (Highs/Lows), increasing/decreasing intervals, positive/negative intervals, and zeroes.

In order to describe the different intervals you must find some key points on the graph.  Relative extrema and zeroes are those key points.  If you solve the equation for y=0 you will find that x=0, x=sqrt(15), and x=sqrt(-15).  Those points are pictured on the graph where the graph itself crosses the x-axis.

You can see the high point and low point on the picture but it's not easy to see exactly where they're located.  This is where the Derivative comes in real handy.

The derivative of a function desribes the funcion's rate of change at a certain point.  Essentially the slope of the function.  The derivative of my original function is y=x^2-(5).  Below the two functions are pictured together, the original function in Purple and the Derivative in Red.  You'll notice that as the original function's slope is decreasing (from infinity to approx. -4), the derivative is also decreasing.  When the original function's slope is zero, or changing from a positive to negative slope, the derivative is at a zero.  So, if we're looking for the relative max. or min. we can look to the zero of the derivative to find the exact x-value for each.  The derivative's zeroes are at the sqrt of 5 and the opposite of the sqrt of 5.   If I plug those numbers in for my original equations I can find the relative extremas.  The points (2.23, -7.45) and (-2.23, 7.45) are the relative extrema.

Now, if we find the anti-derivative of the original function, then all the same rules should apply for our original equation that applied for the derivative that we graphed and talked about earlier.  Below the three functions are graphed.  The two we talked about earlier and the anti-derivative, y= (1/12)x^4-(5/2)x^2, in blue.  You can see, once again, that where our original function is at a zero, the anti-derivative is at a relative minimum.  Isn't that splendid...

Now let's go take a look at a couple of functions we have already explored...The Sine and Cosine Functions

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