

Water Purification

Date = February 6, 2014
Tags <ESM102>

Global problem

  • several billion people may not have access to clean/safe water for personal uses
  • boiling water using firewood is a common practice
  • technologies that can purify water will reduce firewood consumption, help preserve vegetation that will improve the quality and quantity of water

Innovative solution

  • create technology that purifies the water without firewood
  • distribute these
  • need support from institutions - such as funding agencies


Monitoring and accounting

  • need to demonstrate that these technologies do actually decrease firewood consumption
  • monitor use remotely
  • trees saved from destrution can count for carbon offset certificates if good data is available
  • carbon offset funds can be used to deliver better water purification systems

sweet sense

source = http://www.pdx.edu/sweetlab/sweetsense






References and Links:




Manna Case Study - http://www.economistinsights.com/sustainability-resources/event/sustainable-business-summit/multimedia