



date=January 18, 2014
tags=<ESM102> <appropriate scale>


1. Technology includes:

  • machines
  • social context and rules for the use
  • information
  • tacit knowledge - i.e. how to do stuff


2. Targeted at a particular scale

  • can reduce several types of waste
  • some technology is too specific - need a different tool for each task
    • examples: need a different type of transportation (hybrid car, truck, )
    • energy used to create and maintain all the alternatives
  • some technology is to large - excess energy or embedded costs
    • big trucks allowed on almost all roads and bridges


3. Examples for consideration:

  • see how to study this later with Life Cycle Analysis
  • horse vs. tractor
  • drip irrigation vs big scale water projects



Schumacher - Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered

Wiki - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appropriate_technology