1. Economic development and disease

a. simple model of sustainability and wealth


b. modify the model for

substitute the use use of natural resources for general economic growth

provide another path for human population to either be a productive part of the economy or not

at some level the potential growth of the economy is all used up or even overwhelmed by the cost to take care of the population

more sick people decrease the growth rate and increase the social costs


2. Different pieces that need to be brought to the discussion

History - why did people settle along rivers

Culture - how do people deal with environmental degradation and disease

Industry - effects of local industry on water and land (ruts, ponds, erosion)

Climate - models can be used to predict where malaria will be most prevalent

Thomson et al. 2006. Malaria early warnings based on seasonal climate forcasts from mulit-model ensembles. Nature 4392: 576-579

climate forcasts can provide early warning for conditions that favor mosquito growth rates

predict situation in Botswana based on several ocean-atmosphere models used together (an "ensemble")

malaria risk is highest in March through April following particulalry rainy Nov-Feb

more lead time and better predictions allow health authorities to spray, distribute anti-malarials, treat infected

Comparing predictions of rain using the previous predictive model (CMAP) to the new method for periods with high and low malaria - show very similar patterns and have similar predictive confidence - but the new model gives about 4 months more time

figures from thomson et al 2006




3.Side Notes - People at PSU are involved in these problems

David Peyton - Chemistry

Carol Morgaine - Child and Family Studies