

Ulanowicz, Robert E.1997. Ecology, the ascendent perspective. Columbia University Press.201 pages. QH 540.5 .U42



Ascendency is a measure of the organized complexity of a network.


It consists of the sum of all the flows weighted by the specificity of each flow.


Ulanowicz figure 4.6

shows how fewer flows with high specificity leads to higher AMI




Network ascendency can be related to the resiliency cycle.

Hollings resiliency cycle

stored capital (or potential) vs. organization (connectivity)

Figure 4.10 from Ulanowicz 1997


Ulanowicz version

biomass vs. mutual information flow structure

Figure 4.11 from Ulanowicz 1997


what is a "healthy" network

by Ulanowicz's (** ref **) definition

responds to stress by improving the structure of the network

figure 7.2 from Ulanowicz 1997