3. Numerical model for metabolism and adaptation
Algal metabolism can be considered as a flow of carbon from photosynthesis
through central metabolism to increases in the cellular components that
make up the algal biomass. This type of flow and flow regulation is amenable
to modeling in the simulation language of STELLA. In STELLA the concentration
of metabolic intermediates and components are represented by boxes, the
flow of material is represented by the open arrows with the circle in
the middle, and information flow is represented by the single line arrows.
These icons for particular functions in systems modeling helps structure
the model and make us be more explicit about the relationships.

Figure 2: STELLA model for algal metabolism. The metabolic intermediates
are represented by the three boxes on the left. These are fed and connected
by flows that depend on the amount of the biochemical components (the
column of boxes on the right) and environmental input. Information flow
is determined by the thin red lines. Cell growth is represented by the
reinvestment of cellular building blocks into the cellular components.
The regulatory logic is determined by the structure of the information
flows in this model and the equations that are hidden. See appendix 1
for the full list of equations and appendix 2 for example outputs.
Each metabolite and component is assigned an initial value. The flows
between these boxes are controlled by input from metabolite and component
boxes. In this simple model, the flows are controlled by threshold type
relationships. For example, the flow from NADPH to Triose-P is controlled
by the equation
if TrioseP >1 then 0 else Penz*NADPH/(NADPH + 0.5)
This equation sets a threshold (1) for the product that results in total
feedback inhibition and otherwise allows the forward reaction to proceed
as a simple saturating process that depends on the amount of Penzyme catalyst
and the amount of NADPH as a substrate. The other reactions in this model
are constructed similarly, please see Appendix 1 for the full program
The value of examining this set of relationships in STELLA is that it
takes the current value of each component and uses it to calculates the
outcome for the next time period. STELLA also provides useful visualization
tools such as graphs and tables. In addition, while you are running the
model, it updates the graphs each time period resulting in an animation
of the relationships that can help visualize and understand the dynamics
of the system. Even with only seven components and very simple mathematical
relationships the behavior of this system is very dynamic, exhibiting
wide swings in concentrations and oscillations in the metabolite and component
concentrations. (These dynamics can be damped by using modeling tricks
that may or may not relate to algal physiology as I will explore later.)
One aspect of algal metabolism that can be demonstrated from this model
is the nature of adaptation through plasticity of composition. The initial
conditions have been picked arbitrarily. If the alga is exposed to different
light input values, the cell responds on a timestep-to-timestep that regulates
the metabolism, but this results in a reallocation strategy that is apparent
over 100 time steps.

Figure 3. Response of the STELLA model to light. a) light level of
10 results in higher Pmemb and lower Enz. b) a light level of 200 results
in lower Pmemb and more Enz.
redo these figures
Another important aspect of algal metabolism that can be demonstrated
from such a dynamic model is the value of adaptation. The variation in
the composition results in better response to the available resource in
the sense that the cell is better able to grow on that level of resource
after it has changed its composition. Another way to look at this is that
as the resource becomes more scarce the cells are able to grow relatively
better at lower levels, for example a decrease in light by 50% that would
result in a 50% decrease in photosynthesis in an unadapted cell results
in only a 13% decrease in an adapted cell (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Calculated photosynthetic rate by an algal fixed at the composition
of a cell adapted to 100 uEm^-2s^-1 compared to a cell that is allowed
to adapt to 50% of that light. The rate for the non-adapting cell drops
by a simple 50% factor and stays there. The adapting cell, drops but
then increases as the cell reinvests in more Pmemb, less in Penz and
redo this as STELLA output
Thus the dynamic model demonstrates and helps visualize the interactions
between the components and metabolic intermediates in both the timestep-to-timestep
flow and the accumulation of differences that lead to adaptation over
longer time. Comparing the effect of a slight change in the regulation
is possible both in the gross response to light and in the minute-to-minute
pattern of regulation. The alternate regulation proposed for the conceptual
model can be included in this STELLA model by the addition of another
arrow and rewriting the flow between Blocks and Penz.

Figure 5. Change in logic for the STELLA models. The new logic requires
the concentration of NADPH as an addition input to the contol over Penz
Letting each case of the model adapt for 100 hours to a range of light
conditions results in different biomass vs. light curves Figure 6. These
differences can be explained in terms of the logic modification made,
the second version has two options for increasing the Penz and shows a
wider divergence in the Pmemb to Penz ratio. This allows the cells to
have more to invest into the Enz fraction, which in turn allows faster
"growth". The two versions of the model have the same photosynthesis up
to L=75 and then at higher light, the second version has a higher productivity.

Figure 6. Comparison of P vs. I curves for the first logic set (try5)
and the second logic set (try6). Each model was allowed to adapt to
each light intensity for 100 hours.
Even with the limited number of metabolic intermediates and components
in this STELLA model, there are many other modifications that could be
made that would still be consistent with our original verbal model. It
is possible that other versions of this model, even with the same general
flow pattern, could have very different behavior. In some cases it can
be shown that these different instances of the information flow result
in the same optimal component composition under steady state conditions,
but the path and time to achieve optimal composition are different. Thus
optimization models, such as those described by Shuter (197*), are necessary
but not sufficient to describe competition in variable environments. As
shown in Figures 4 and 6, the regulation logic can have major impact on
the net productivity after a change in conditions. Given that the regulation
logic in cells depends on the wiring (connections made for information
flow) rather than the efficiency of the appliances (the components),
The current paradigm for studying adaptation and competition is built
on the "modern synthesis", essentially a telelogical argument
that says that efficient proteins lead to competitive advantage, competitive
advantage leads to higher proportion of efficient genes in the population,
and these genes lead back to the efficient proteins. This paper presents
an additional way to look at competition in a variable environment that
would depend more on the logic of the regulation than the efficiency of
the proteins. Changes in regulatory structure could happen with very little
change in genetic code. If the connections for information flow are so
important then we are faced with the task of understanding the underlying
logic of the system independent of initial conditions, threshold levels,
rates of flow and response patterns. In a sense, we are trying to separate
out the grammar of the control structure from the numerical relationships.
In the next section, I describe a method for looking at the logic of the
control system.