Appendix 3: A catalog of patterns

category class metaphor pattern_name visual images
borrowed images
no rights
simulation approach
1.1 regular and geometric straight line tall tree  
1.2 regular and geometric smooth constant angle curve berry arches  
1.3 regular and geometric circle ice puddle a, b, c  
1.4 regular and geometric polygons    
1.5 regular and geometric edges    
1.6 regular and geometric sphere    
1.7 regular and geometric surface to volume    
1.8 regular and geometric symmetrical centers    
1.9 regular and geometric normal distribution Gaussian    
1.9 regular and geometric spider webs    
2.1 system source or sink    
2.2 system postitive feedback    
2.21 systems increasing slope exponential    
2.22 systems exponential decay    
2.3 system negative feedback    
2.31 system negative feedback with dampening    
2.32 system negative feedback with oscillation    
2.4 systems gradient without turbulence 2.4a, 2.4b, 2.4c, 2.4d, 2.4e  
3.1 fractal shape tree branching   31-ant-search-patterns.jpg (Sole & Goodwin 2002)

probability of sideways exploration


3.2 fractal shape leaf patterns 3.2a, 3.2b, 3.2c, 3.2d  
3.3 fractal shape 137.5 degree offset

3.3a, 3.3b, 3.3c

3.31 fractal shape 0.618   331-golden-rectangle.jpg (Thompson 1942)  
3.4 fractal shape fractal pattern in river basins 3.4a, 3.4b
34-jul17 - erosion of volcanic ash  
3.4 fractal shape erosion of watersheds    
3.5 fractal shape delta morphology    
3.9 fractal shape shoreline length

39-feb19 shoreline
39-may12 shoreline
3.6 fractal shape biological fractal sand dollar  
4.1 fractal frequency land slides   41-avalanche-dist.jpg
(Sole & Goodwin 2002)
4.2 fractal frequency earth quake distribution    
4.2 fractal frequency Richter law    
4.3 fractal frequency Zipf’s dist of city size   43-zipfs-city-map.jpg
(Sole & Goodwin 202)
preferential attachment
4.4 fractal frequency word use frequency 4.4a  
4.9 fractal frequency fashion trends clothing    
5.1 mosaic spatial patches 5.1a, 5.1b, 5.1c, 5.1d, 5.1e,
5.1f , 5.1g, 5.1h, 5.1i, 5.1j
5.11 mosaic mosaic pattern 1 large patch  

( Forman 1995)

5.12 mosaiic mosaic pattern 2 small patch    
5.13 mosaic mosaic pattern 3 dendritic    
5.14 mosaic mosaic pattern 4 rectilinear   5.14 - Seaweed production  
5.15 mosaic mosaic pattern 5 checkerboard    
5.16 mosaic mosaic pattern 6 interdigitated    
5.2 mosaic mosaic of trees in forest 5.2a, 5.2b, 5.2c-folder  
5.21 mosaic forest fire burn size distribution    
5.3 mosaic percolation of water through semiporous soil    
5.32 mosaic distribution of tree height in canopy    
5.32 mosaic percolation patttern transition    
5.34 mosaic damage from habitat fragmentation   534-habitat-fragmentation.jpg
(Sole & Goodwin 2002)
5.4 mosaic texture    
5.42 mosaic lumpiness   holling1992-fig4.png  
5.9 mosaic mosaic pattern indices    
6.1 pulsing pulsing    
6.2 pulsing sand dune 6.2a  
6.3 pulsing oscillation in predator prey    
6.4 pulsing Hubbert type resource bubble    
6.5 pulsing geisers 6.5a, 6.5b  
6.9 pulsing boxcaring    
7.1 dissipative structures laminar to turbulent flow of water 7.1a  
7.11 dissipative structures gradient with turbulence    
7.2 dissipative structures Bernard cells in heated water    
7.3 dissipative structures river meanders 7.3c, 7.3d, 7.3e,
7.32 dissipative structures rock size in streams 7.3a, 7.3b,  
7.34 dissipative structures Hjulstron curves for transport of material    
8.1 flow stress hexagonal packing

8.1a, 8.1b , 8.1c


8.2 flow stress spiral phyoltaxis see section 3.3?  
8.3 flow stress flow lines in trees    
8.4 flow stress stress cracking 8.4a, 8.4b, 8.4c

84-feb03 glacier
mud in the Carmargue
9.1 threshold and bistable sigmoidal dose response    
9.12 threshold and bistable sharp threshold - stress 9.12a  
9.2 threshold and bistable levels of network connectivitiy    
9.25 threshold and bistable habitat fragmentaion phase transition    
9.3 threshold and bistable bistable states with hysteresis    
9.32 threshold and bistable bistable states in lakes    
9.4 threshold and bistable island labrynth pool 9.4a, 9.4b, 9.4c, 9.4d, 9.4e
and more

94-oct31potash plant on Dead Sea  
10.1 swarm flocking    
10.2 swarm stigmergy    
10.22 swarm termite mound columns    
10.9 swarm terracing 10.9a, 10.9b, 10.9c
and more
11 multiple

algal patchiness

streams with natural debris

11.0a, 11.0b,

11.0c, 11.0d



Arthus-Bertand, Y. Earth from above: 365 days, Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

Flake, G. W. (2001). The computational beauty of nature: Computer explorations of fractals, chaos, complex systems and adaptation. Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press.

Forman, R. T. T. (1995). Land Mosaics: The ecoogy of landscapes and regions. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Sole, R., and Brian Goodwin (2000). Signs of Life: How complexity pervades biology. New York, Basic Books/Perseus Books Group.

Thompson, D. A. W. (1942). On Growth and Form. New York, Dover Publications.

Wolfram, S. (2002). A New Kind of Science. Champaign, IL, Wolfram Media.


Updated on April 30, 2013 by John Rueter