Research in the Ruedas Lab
Dr. Ruedas' interests lie in the following areas:
Evolution, systematics, and biogeography of the American Cottontails, genus Sylvilagus Gray, 1867. This is an NSF funded project, DEB 0616305. Currently, one paper is published resulting from this research, one major monograph is in revision, and a new species description, with some revisionary work, was just submitted. Published item:
Ruedas, L. A., and J. Salazar-Bravo. 2007. Morphological and chromosomal taxonomic assessment of Sylvilagus brasiliensis gabbi (Leporidae). Mammalia, 71(1-2):63-69. Download - Taxonomy of Lagomorpha (cottontails, rabbits, hares, and pikas). This is a web-based project wherein will be listed all officially recognized taxa of Lagomorpha, with links to their original descriptions, and location and identification of the holotypes. This project just started 18 July 2016 so don't expect anything immediately!
- Fauna of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia; a cooperative project with Scott L. Gardner, Manter Laboratory of Parasitology (University of Nebraska), and Sergio A. Solari, Universidad de Antioquía, Medellín, Colombia. We're just getting that started, so don't expect any developments for a while.