Pleistocene dune deposits along Oregon's mid-coast, with perched groundwater seeping out along contacts with paleosols.

Green River Formation and the Piceance Basin, NW Colorado.The most hydrocarbon-rich acreage       on Earth?
(Estimated >1.5 trillion barrels of      in-place oil shale resources...And site of the only"atomic fracking" during "Project Rulison", 1969).
(Images from Megan Masterson)



My research focus is in hydrogeology and aqueous & sedimentary geochemistry. My students and I use a variety of techniques including field studies, laboratory experiments and analyses, and groundwater and geochemical modeling to explore the interplay between groundwater and surface waters and water-rock intereactions.

   Specific areas of current interest and some recent studies

  • Groundwater hydrology, geochemical evolution of groundwaters, and groundwater interactions in the critical zone:
  • Determining how development and climate change  affect groundwater and secondary cements in coastal dune deposits, central Oregon coast.
  • Modeling the evolution and thermal history of geothermal waters in the Western Cascades.
  • Modeling the effects of thermal energy storage on the porosity & permeability of Columbia River Basalt aquifers, Portland Basin.
  • Assessing hydrochemical facies and modeling the evolution of groundwater in the hydrocarbon-rich Piceance Basin, NW Colorado.
  • Determining the hydrostratigraphy of groundwater flow systems in northern Portland Basin, Columbia River Gorge, upper Deschutes River Basin, and central Oregon.
  • Mineral-water reactions that control concentrations of trace elements in soils and water and geogenic hazards:

  • Studying the relative mobility of trace elements from weaterhing of black shales, determining their fate and transport in the surface environment.
  • Determining mineralogical changes accompanying the hydrous retorting of oil shales.
  • Assessing the mobility of arsenic from tuffs and tuffaceous sediments.
  • Paleo-environmental reconstruction using sediment geochemistry:

  • Modeling paeloceanographic conditions for the formation of Devonian-Mississippian black shales, Kentucky.
  • Reconstructing the paleoenvironmental conditions for formation of massive black-shale-hosted phosphate deposits (Mead Peak Member, Phosphoria Formation), southern Idaho and western Wyoming.