Jason T. Newsom PhD

Professor, Department of Psychology, Portland State University





Main Page


Current Courses

Univariate Quant

Multivariate Quant

Categorical Data Analysis

Structural Equation Modeling

Multilevel Regression

Psychological Measurement

Adult Development and Aging


Past Courses

Stats Notes



SEM References

SEM Books




LDA Book

Department of Psychology







Psy 521/621 Univariate Quantitative Methods




Homework Articles

Review Sheet for Exam 2

Data Sets

Lab Website

Handouts & Overheads

SPSS Access at PSU

Overhead: Examples of Distributions and Descriptive Graphs

Overhead: Coffee Grind Distribution

The Normal Distribution and z-scores

Descriptive Statistics: SPSS and R Examples

Outlier and Sample Size Illustration

Overhead: Sampling Distribution Cutoffs and t-Distribution

t-Test Example: Hand Computation, SPSS, and R

Some General and Scientific Writing Suggestions

Overhead: Independent-Groups t-Test Figures

Overhead: Effects of Combining Data Sets

Correlated Scores t Test Example: Hand Computation, SPSS, and R

Levels of Measurement and Choosing the Correct Statistical Test

Single-Group Statistical Tests with a Binary Dependent Variable: Hand Computations, SPSS, and R Examples

2 X 2 Contingency Chi-square: Hand Computations, SPSS, and R Examples

Chi-square for Within-subjects: McNemar’s Test

Overhead: Binomial Distribution Figures

Overhead: Scatterplot Examples

Correlation Example: Hand Computations, SPSS, and R

Regression Example: Hand Computations, SPSS, and R


Overhead: Reliability Figures

Reliability Analysis Example: SPSS and R

Overhead: Correlation limitations

t Tests, Chi-squares, Phi, Correlations: It’s all the same stuff


ANOVA Example: SPSS and R

Post Hoc Tests

Post Hoc Test Example: SPSS and R

Planned Contrasts with SPSS and R Examples

Overhead: Eyewitness Factorial Design Example

Main Effect and Interaction Graphs

Factorial ANOVA Example: SPSS and R

Simple Effects Test Following a Significant Interaction

Simple Effects, Simple Contrasts, and Main Effect Contrasts (optional)

Within-Subjects ANOVA & Example: Hand Computations, SPSS, and R

Some Comments and Definitions Related to the Assumptions of Within-subjects ANOVA

Follow-Up Analyses for Within-Subjects ANOVA

Factorial ANOVA for Mixed Designs

Factorial ANOVA for Mixed Designs Example: SPSS and R

Precautions with Within-Subjects Experimental Designs

Missing Data

Overhead: Listwise Deletion and Imputation Bias Comparisons

Common Ordinal Analyses: Loglinear Models and Measures of Association

Overhead: Illustration of the Equivalence of Loglinear and Chi-Square Models for Two Binary Variables: SPSS

Ordinal Examples: SPSS and R

Nonparametric Statistics

Overhead: Summary of SPSS Nonparametric Tests


Replication Crisis and Critiques of Significance Testing: Some Suggested Readings



SPSS Overview at University South Australia

UCLA Statistical Computing Site on SPSS Syntax

UCLA Statistical Computing Site on using SPSS

Brief Design Overview

William Trochim's Outstanding Research Methods Knowledge Base

APA 7th Edition Sample Manuscripts

Statistics on the Web Gateway

MacTutor History of Mathematics and Statistics

Installing R on Your Computer

Installing RStudio (install R first)

Quick RStudio Introduction

RStudio Video Introduction

Central Limit Theorem Demo

Interactive Statistical Demonstrations

Galton Board Illustration Video