pictures of Jacob and Monod ... JacobMonod1965.GIF
Constitutive enzymes are always present
Regulative enzymes may or may not be present
Mutations may be in structural genes (for enzymes) or regulation sequences of DNA
Wild type E. coli will produce the enzyme beta-galactosidase when lactose is present.
Some mutant E. coli will produce beta-galactosidase if lactose is present or absent; they are constitutive mutations
Other mutations are in the beta-galactosidase gene
Two types of mutations.... OperonMutationsFinal.GIF
Location of the lac operon.... OperonMap.GIF
Model of a portion of the E. coli chromosome: operon2.GIF
Concept of the allosteric protein operon3.GIF
Lactose not present....operon4.GIF
Lactose present....operon5.GIF
Overview... OperonMutationsOverview.GIF
Mutation in repressor gene ... repressorminus.GIF
Mutation in repressor gene...repressorS.GIF
Mutation ... OperatorMutation.GIF
important: repressor protein may act on all chromosomes - trans acting
important: operator DNA cis acting
Table of some genotypes... OperonGenotypes.html
Examples graphics.... ioz6.GIF... ioz7.GIF ... ioz8.GIF
List of steps.....operonWorkbook2.gif
from workbook: operonWorkBook.gif
for cis acting elements, the effect must be between adjacent segments of DNA
for trans acting proteins, there is some movable object which may influence another chromosome
cis acting elements - Promoters, operators, enhancers
Trans acting proteins - repressors, proteins attaching to promoters
Helix turn helix motif... OperonHelixTurnHelix.gif
and Zinc finger, leucine zipper motifs
Palindrome DNA
see restriction sites
lac operator segment:
a palindrome web site...
Cover picture..(not on web)