Historical perspective: Perkins, D. D. (1992). "Neurospora: the organism behind the molecular revolution." Genetics 130(4): 687-701. "In Japan, Neurospora made a dramatic apearance following the great Tokyo earthquake and fire of 1923"
For arginine and intermediate compounds ...... Neurospora.gif
Location of mutations and pathways ....08x3.gif
picture..(not on web)...Garrod
As Fig 8.1.... GarrodAlkaptonuria.gif
MORE ....1902 paper via web..http://www.esp.org/foundations/genetics/classical/ag-02.pdf
List of amino acids..page 282; and on hemoglobin sheet
Degrees of complexity (Fig 13.4)
Primary structure
Secondary structure
Tertiary structure
Quaternary structure
Example, alpha and beta globin: .. AminoAcidSeqs.GIF
Sickle cell anemia..
Hb S mutation and pleiotrophic effects..... Pleiotrophy.gif
Gel electrophoresis (not on web).. Electrophoresis.gif
as Figure 8.5 in text.. 05.gif
Quartenary structure of hemoglobin ... Figure 8.6 .. 06.gif
First seven amino acids ... Figure 8.7 ... 07.gif
protein function; human diseases
see Table 8.2 for list of inborn errors of metabolism
similar table on the web .... http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/books/bv.fcgi?call=bv.View..ShowSection&rid=iga.table.d1e36589
also hemoglobin mutants, ABO antigens, Cystic fibrosis, genetic counseling
OHSU laboratory: ...Biochemical Genetics Laboratory
Modification: One gene one protein; and idea eventually falls apart.
Structure of proteins
see Figures 8.10 and 8.11