27 September 2004   

 Introduction to Course

participation in the course

Start chapter 1

Yes, recitations this week; will complete chapter 1 in recitation

Why study genetics?

relationship to other fields of study

current events

possible explanation for human behavior

helpful for AMCAT, DAT, etc. studies

possible career

Introduction to the course

Course structure .... WorkbookLogo.gif

Why lecture?

direct and personal communication

learning by oral presentation

new items in literature (items from my mailbox)

some interaction

My problems with answering questions - no time for detailed discussions- problem with stress, need to discuss topics.

Why recitation?

direct and personal communication

quizzes (problem with Wednesday quizzes)

lots of interaction

ask questions

time for answers

may be that we have most learning during recitation


What is on the web?

Bi341Home Page

Lecture outlines (posted after lectures)

tentative lecture outlines to be updated..use caution

all non copyrighted graphics to date

other items of course information

The web in this course is a supplement, a way of distributing materials.

Printing; it is not necessary to print all of the web materials; outline may be printed at 70% or less.

Caution!: There is a lot of information on the web; it can be a waste of time. Learn genetics first.

Problem with using all computer materials


Simplistic exercises to help you learn genetics.

two copies on reserve in library

SmartCopy (1915 SW 6th Ave)

Review Syllabus


Problem with first exam

Start working on the course early, get a good grade on the first exam!

you are in trouble if you fall behind


Communication with me

Before and after class

During recitation

the Basket - usually answered next lecture session

e-mail - usually answered same day M-F, sometimes Saturday

Office hours: Monday 1-2, Thursday 1-2; Room 416 Science-2

You may set up study groups after lecture today; people interested may gather in the front of the lecture hall.

Yes, recitations meet this week; Wednesday and Thursday.


Of great importance for the course: We have a population with a lot of variation regarding interest in genetics, speed of learning, amount of time which may be devoted to this course, university majors, jobs, etc.

Some of the majors which have been represented are: Biology, chemistry, woman's studies, anthropology, accounting, environmental sciences, engineering, administration of justice, theater arts, computer science, english, and health education.

Some of the goals students have: medicine and related fields, botany, zoology, academics, business, arts, citizens



Questions about the course?


Meet after class to establish study groups

Some graphics used in lecture are not on the web; they are copyrighted.

Best to use plain text when e-mailing, due to problem of viruses/etc.


Some other introductory materials  

transmission / molecular / population genetics (text: pages 1; 6-7)

eukaryotes / prokaryotes (text: pages 1; 9-12)

genetics in society / medicine / biology


PKU: 1/13,000 births; "In 1961, Oregon developed the world's first system to screen all newborns for PKU" "For every dollar spent testing for PKU and hypothyroidism, $4 of costs are saved....."


Eugenics - (Galton 1883; "..the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the hereditary qualities of future generations of man..." Rieger, Michaelis and Green 1976. Glossary of Genetics and Cytogenetics Springer-Verlag)

influence of WW-2

influence of Francis Galton (Darwin's cousin) and the eugenics movement.

Eugenics site from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


 New book: The Unfit: A History of a Bad Idea ....By Elof Axel Carlson

Some introductory ideas (not in text or scattered in text)

variation, gene / environmental interactions

variation, continuous / discontinuous

genotype / phenotype; use of term partial

phenotype - the appearance of the organism, as purple flower color

genotype - the gene symbols used to represent the individual

will give an A for turning in your complete genotype

 norm of reaction

norm of reaction range of phenotypic variation for a single genotype in different environments .. (see pages 92; 491-492)

Example: Achillea millefolium work of Clausen, Keck and Hiesey, 1958

                                    Developmental Plasticity - review of book in American Scientist Jan-Feb 2004 not on web


Major topic of chapter 1 is cellular reproduction in eukaryotes: Mitosis and meiosis

Chromosome complement of eukaryotes

Generally see chromosomes during stages of mitosis and meiosis

mitosis - chromosome number remains constant

meiosis - chromosome number reduced by one half

expansion and contraction of chromosome from nucleosome structure to mitotic metaphase chromosome: pop bead example

This relates to Figure 8.19 and figures 8.17 - 8.22; we will discuss this in detail later in the course.

                                            Figure 8.22 (not on web) ....../../Other%20Graphics/8x22.gif


29 September 2004

We will complete most of chapter 1 in recitation this week

Some basic observations

a lot of genetics is developed from model organisms like yeast, E. coli, Drosophila, humans.....

We deal a lot with models - cartoons -;  we must realize the difference between models and reality.

Most items studied are super complicated and they may differ between model organisms.

Some conclusions turn out to be wrong

Again, we observe chromosomes generally during stages of mitosis and meiosis

Kinds of chromosomes

"ordinary" chromosomes (mitotic, most meiotic)

giant chromosomes

polytene example 1; example 2; in somatic cells, many stranded chromosomes, somatically paired, banded

lampbrush (meiotic)- mostly seen in oocytes, largest about 1 mm long in amphibians

For the present discussions we will consider "ordinary chromosomes"

                             Chromosome anatomy series ..... ../ChromAtanomy.html



cell cycle (Text figure 1.14).... 1.14.gif (in text, not web)

                                brief article about Howard and Pelc,1953 .... Nature 426: 759  18/25 Dec 03

replicated and unreplicated chromosomes

stages of mitosis


 Examples from the plant Vicia faba (broad bean, fava bean):

                        Photomicrographs of mitosis in Vicia ...../MitosisSequence2.html

metaphase, anaphase, telophase; metaphase; anaphase; metaphase (colchicine); metaphase (colchicine)


blood lily phase contrast movie not on our web server... mitosislily.mov


But, you may get it at: http://www.unc.edu/depts/salmlab/mitosis/Bloodlily.mov

Home made animation of mitosis .... mitosis animation

Concept of check points for control of mitosis - page 194 in text

Concept of the karyotype ....Karyotype ("The entire chromosome complement of an individual or cell, as seen during mitotic metaphase" from Griffith (6 ed) text p. 869)   And added to the definition: chromosomes cut out and arranged in a standard format)

some of the important items in the technique:

phytohemagglutinin stimulates mitosis of some white blood cells

colcemid (colchicine) inhibits spindle formation

fixative kills cells, Giemsa stain colors chromosome

1 October 2004

recitations crowed; space in Wednesday evening, Thursday morning

complete  chapter 1 quickly (we did most of this in recitation) and on to chapter 2

Examples of karyotypes

    MitoticSpread from the web.. MitoticSpread.gif

    Rob's karyotype reduced.... rob1reduced.JPG

    Rob's karyotype large ....rob1.JPG

    Newman's chromosomes... NewmanChroms.GIF

Part of the report on my chromosomes (not on the web.....).. KaryoReport.GIF

From the karyotype we may learn concepts of:

term: set of chromosomes


homologous chromosomes

sex chromosomes/autosomes



Why study meiosis?

basis of Mendelian genetics

we are the products of meiosis

how does the reduction in chromosome number occur?

Premeiotic interphase; G1, S, G2

details of meiosis

Outline of stages....... MeiosisStages.GIF

                             Diagrams of meiosis...DiagramsMeiosis.html

                             meiosis sequence....  ../MeiosisSequence.html

                                                    Stage descriptions; each stage defined by a few words

A simple animation of meiosis (in need of repair).

Idea of difference between reality (that seen under microscope) and models. Example... pachytene1.GIF


Chiasma, chiasmata

Metaphase-I bivalent


Interesting question: Why the bivalent? In some organisms we even have bivalents if there is no crossing over and therefore no chiasmata (example males in Drosophila melanogaster)

word: bivalent given as tetrad in text

Importance of the bivalent

        Models and reality, again......models and reality


Special Features of meiosis

1) crossing-over

2) Synaptonemal complex (mentioned page 19 in text)

Electron micrograph on the web:


not on the web.... synaptonemal complex 3.gif

model: ...synaptonemalComplex5.gif

 3) Question of pairing of X and Y chromosomes in humans

X and Y chromosomes were once identical

Now only small portions are homologous - the pseudoautosomal regions (PAR)]

Pseudoautosomal X-Y.gif

4) Random alignment of bivalents at metaphase-I plate

 Figure 1.23

over 4 million combinations

Chromosomes assorted independently into the gametes

                   5)  Segregation and Independent Assortment of chromosomes

                                demonstrated by use of heteromorphic pairs of chromosomes

                                        X and Y chromosomes

                                        addition of heterochromatin to one homologue

                 6)  Pairing and synapsis

                            bouquet arrangement at interface between leptotene and zygotene

example:  Salemander meiosis not on web .... ../boquet.gif

Zickler, D. and N. Kleckner (1998). "The leptotene-zygotene transition of meiosis." Annu Rev Genet 32: 619-97.

                            difference between pairing and synapsis

                            recent paper on phs1 gene; poor homologous synapsis

                                  "the phs1 gene is required for pairing to occur between homologous chromosomes.  In the phs1 mutant, homologous chromosome synapsis is completely replaced by synapsis between nonhomologous partners."    "Thus, in the phs1 mutant, synapsis is uncoupled from       recombination   and pairing. The protein encoded by the phs1 gene likely acts in a multistep process to coordinate pairing, recombination, and synapsis."   Pawlowski, W. P., I. N. Golubovskaya, et al. (2004). "Coordination of meiotic recombination, pairing, and synapsis by PHS1." Science 303(5654): 89-92

Gene leads to non-homologous pairing, lack of chiasmata and non-disjunction

 Other mutations cause telomere-misplacement.  Bass, H. W., S. J. Bordoli, et al. (2003). "The desynaptic (dy)                             and desynaptic1 (dsy1) mutations in maize (Zea mays L) cause distinct telomere-misplacement phenotypes                                 during meiotic prophase." J Exp Bot 54(380): 39-46.

Differences between text and my materials (lecture and web)

Crossing over begins in leptotene or earlier but is complete at pachytene. Some references say that crossing over occurs during pachytene.

We see chiasmata for the first time at diplotene with the light microscope.

Text has pairing at leptotene. This is a loose pairing which differs from the tight pairing of zygotene (synapsis). In our discussion we use the term pairing to be of the tight variety; that which we can see with the light microscope.

The bivalents continue to shorten from pachytene through diakinesis.

Figure 1.21 showing chiasmata is terrible; looks like mitotic chromosomes -  http://www.irn.pdx.edu/~newmanl/diplotene.GIF

                        Figure 1.21 (not on the web):


Relative to differences between the text and lectures regarding meiosis. Please follow the lecture and our web materials. There is a lot of confusion these days regarding terminology and specific events.


Excellent, long, detailed account of early prophase in: ..Zickler, D. and N. Kleckner. 1999 Meiotic chromosomes: integrating structure and function. Ann Rev Genet 33(6678): 603-754. Article available via PSU connection, URL follows--

Annual Review of Genetics available via PSU computers


Concept of cohesion of sister chromatids in mitosis and meiosis.

proteins: Cohesin, condensin, separase

General model for cohesion....../cohesinsequence.html

cohesin - Amon model ...  ../cohesionAmonModel.gif  

Amon, A. (2001). "Together until separin do us part." Nat Cell Biol 3(1): E12-4.

cohesion meiosis Allshire model ... ../CohesionAllshireModel.gif 

Allshire, R. (2004). "Cell division: guardian spirit blesses meiosis." Nature 427(6974): 495-7.


Bernard, P., et al. 2001 Requirement of heterochromatin for cohesion at centromeres. Science 294(5551): 2539-42.

        And for cohesion of sister chromatids in meiosis as related to bivalents see: 

          Page, S. L. and R. S. Hawley (2003). "Chromosome choreography: the meiotic ballet." Science 301(5634): 785-9.

                The separation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis in eukaryotes is the physical basis of Mendelian inheritance. The core of the meiotic process is a specialized nuclear division (meiosis I) in which homologs pair with each other, recombine, and then segregate from each other. The processes of chromosome alignment and pairing allow for homolog recognition. Reciprocal meiotic recombination ensures meiotic chromosome segregation by converting sister chromatid cohesion into mechanisms that hold homologous chromosomes together. Finally, the ability of sister kinetochores to orient to a single pole at metaphase I allows the separation of homologs to two different daughter cells. Failures to properly accomplish this elegant chromosome dance result in aneuploidy, a major cause of miscarriage and birth defects in human beings.
