Monica Hay

She remembered many months ago

the man who loved her asked

that she put a picture of them on her vision board.

She had these dreams of the future plastered there;

living in London, being a writer, traveling.

He printed a photograph of them

and cut it just so

for her to glue to the one empty space

left among her hopes and dreams.

She politely took the photograph

and stored it in a box,

where it became a friend to dust.

The relationship reached its death,

as she knew it would, and from time to time

she glanced at the one empty space

she hadn't filled.

And then one day, he came

with his sea green eyes

and tender love,

and she arrived in his arms,

as if he has been there before,

in another life, behind the one she lived now.

She showed him her hopes and dreams,

and he lifted her up to them

to help her reach,

and she did the same for his.

One night,

she filled the empty space

with their photograph.

She gave him the space

because she could see him there,

and she hoped

he was part of this future life;

she believed, completely,

that he would be.

About Monica