Math 111: Introduction to College Math 1

CRN 80948     Sec. 001               Room CH 283                MTWTh 9:15-10:20

Instructor: Carolyn McCaffrey                               Email:  
Course Webpage:
Office Hours: Tues.10:30-11:30, Wed. 8:00-9:00 and by appt. in NH M430 (mezzanine level)

Text and Calculator: Precalculus with Modeling and Visualization by Gary Rockswold, custom edition for Portland State University, Graphing Calculator

All students are assumed to have been successful in Math 95 or at least two years of high school algebra.  I expect students to have a firm grasp of linear equations, systems of equations, polynomials and factoring techniques, rational expressions, radicals, exponents, and quadratic equations.  This course is designed to prepare students for calculus.  If you simply need to fulfill a general math requirement, consider taking Math 105.

Course Description:
This course is the study of functions.  By the end of this course, students should be able to:

Grades: Grades will be determined on the basis of points earned in the following areas with these approximate weights:
            Participation                                                               10%
            Homework                                                                              15%

E-Journal                                                                     5%
            Quizzes                                                                                   25%

Midterm                                                                      20%

Final Exam  (Thurs., Aug. 12  8:00-10:20 am)          25%     

Students are expected to participate in classroom activities and group work.  At least once in the term every student will be asked to present a problem or idea in front of the class. 

Homework: Homework will be assigned in class and will be due twice a week: Tuesday and Thursday.  Students are encouraged to work in groups on homework, but each student must turn in an individual write-up.  Homework assignments will be posted on the class webpage the day they are assigned.  Homework will be graded on a (+ / - / 0) scale.  NO LATE HOMEWORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.


E-Journal: You will be assigned weekly writing assignments that are due to me via email by 11:00pm each Tuesday.  You must include MATH 111, Week X, and your last name in the subject line to receive credit.  Please use complete sentences and proofread your writing. E-Journals will be graded on a (+ / - / 0) scale.  Any late e-journals will be downgraded one grade.

Quizzes: Every Thursday there will be a short quiz over the homework that is due that day.  The quiz is open homework, but closed book and closed notes.  The lowest quiz score will be dropped. NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES WILL BE OFFERED.

Exams: The midterm exam will be Thursday July 22nd during normal class time.  The final exam will be Thursday August 12th from 8:00-10:20 am.  No make-up exams will be given.  If you do not pass the final, you may not pass the class.

Free tutoring is available at SECT ( as well as in the 3rd floor atrium of Neuberger Hall.

Disability Services: If you have a learning or physical disability and are in need of academic accommodations, please notify me and register with PSU's Disability Services at 503-725-4150 or