CLASS:                  MTWTh 1:00 - 2:05              OFFICE:         244 Shattuck Hall

INSTRUCTOR:       Margaret Young                    OFFICE HOURS:  By appointment

CONTACT NUMBERS:     725-4143; e-mail i6my@odin.cc.pdx.edu

TEXT:  Reflection and Beyond: Expanding Written Communication, by Blass and Pike-Baky;
            Heinle and Heinle 1993.

ATTENDANCE:  Click on this link to see VERY important information.



By the end of the term, you should be able to do the following.

In order to accomplish our objectives, we will review the following:
  1. Pre-writing activities to help you generate ideas
  2. Rules for capitalization, spelling, and punctuation
  3. Formatting rules for paragraphs
  4. Identifying and writing general and specific statements
  5. Using transitions within paragraphs
  6. Revising drafts of an essay
  7. Writing introductory and concluding statements
  8. Narrative and descriptive rhetorical patterns
  9. In-class timed writing exercises on specific topics
  10. Free-writing exercises
  11. Use of computer in homework exercises
  12. Use of logical connectors (and, but, also)
We will also begin exploring the following:
  1. Rhetorical patterns of process, comparison/contrast, and classification
  2. Paraphrasing simple sentences
  3. Writing an essay which includes an introduction, body, and conlcusion
  4. Word processing
  5. Use of logical connectors (however, too, next, in addition, first, second, finally)
  6. Thesis statement
  7. Topic sentence
  8. Unity and coherence
  9. Outlining


Last updated 6/17/99 by Margaret Young