Kenneth M. Cruikshank

Kenneth M. Cruikshank

Below are descriptions for the courses I teach. I teach one entirely Online course (Earthquakes & Volcanoes). My other courses are taught in the classroom, lab and field. Course assignments and materials are distributed Online via PSU's D2L course management system.

To sign-up for courses, start with PSU's Registration Overview page.

Courses for geology majors

Current Research Image

G-324: Computer Applications and Information Technology

Application of digital computers to problems in geology through familiarization with software and hardware for collecting, processing, analyzing, and presenting data. Topics covered include use of databases, spreadsheets, programming, analysis of data collected along a traverse, over a map area, and multivariate data. Applications to stratigraphic sections, chart recordings, sample locations, mapping, trend surfaces, and clustering. Three lectures and two 2-hour laboratories. Prerequisites: Mth 261. This course is taught during the Winter term each year.

Fault Image

G-434: Structural Geology

Study of the geometry of geologic structures and processes related to the deformation of rock. The laboratory part of the course will emphasize modeling of geologic structures using numerical methods. There are two required one-day field exercises. Prerequisites: G426 (and by extension, 1 year of calculus, Linear Algebra). This course is taught during the Winter term each year.


G-410/510: Instruments and Sensors

This course focuses on the construction and use of electronic instrumentation useful for Earth and Environmental Sciences. Recommended Background: Electricity and Magnetism from the undergraduate Physics sequence. Some programming experience (e.g., G324/G326, G523). This course is taught during the Fall term of even-numbered years.

See my Sensors and Instrumentation page for some material related to this course.

GPR Image

G-420/520: Applied Geophysics

Principles of geophysical measurement and interpretation; seismology, gravimetry, isostasy, geomagnetism, terrestrial electricity. Includes a survey of geophysical exploration techniques. Three lectures, one 2-hour lab. Also offered for graduate-level credit as G 520 and may be taken only once for credit. Prerequisites: one year of general physics, one year of calculus. This course is taught during the Fall term of even-numbered years.

Ternary Diagram

G-423/523: Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology

Application of digital computers to problems in geology. Topics covered are analysis of data collected along a traverse, over a map area, and multivariate data. Applications to stratigraphic sections, chart recordings, sample locations, mapping, trend surfaces, and clustering. Two lectures and two 2-hour laboratory. Also offered for graduate-level credit as G 523 and may be taken only once for credit. Prerequisites: one year of calculus and Linear Algebra. This course is taught during the Fall term of odd-numbered years.


G-695: Topics in Geomechanics

Topics chosen from finite strain, rock fracture, and rock folding. May be repeated if topics are different. Also offered for credit as G 695. Prerequisites: G 491/591, Mth 254, Ph 203. This course is taught during the Fall term of odd-numbered years.

Courses intended for non-Majors

Current Research Image

G-342 Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Online)

A study of volcanoes and earthquakes as they affect humans and the development of landscapes. Prerequisite: an introductory science course. This course is taught during the Spring term each year.

Courses taught on an irregular basis

Beam forces

G-491/591: Physical Processes

Application of mechanics to physical processes in geology, such as igneous intrusion, rock folding, debris flow, lava flow, groundwater, and glaciation. Also offered for graduate-level credit as G 591 and may be taken only once for credit. Prerequisites: Mth 254, Ph 203.

Old Course Materials


Although I no longer offer a Surveying with Total Stations and GPS course, I have left some of the course material online, especially the material for using Total Stations. The material may still be of use to some. This is not a set of material I work on keeping up to date.

Geology Department

Copyright © 1994-2015 · K.M. Cruikshank ·