MTH 651: Advanced Numerical Analysis
Fall 2011
Jay Gopalakrishnan
NH 8
Tue, Thu: 12:00-13:15
Office hours
Tue 13:15-14:15 (in NH 309)
or by appointment (email:
Every mathematical scientist and engineer needs to work with
matrices and vectors analytically and numerically. The
course aims to teach often needed tools for computations with
linear operators.
This is the first part of a three-part year-long advanced sequence on
techniques for scientific computation.
The three parts are loosely organized as follows:
- Part 1: Numerical linear algebra
- Part 2: Finite elements and finite differences
- Part 3: Nonlinear techniques
Plan for this quarter (Part 1) :
Orthogonal and oblique projections.
Singular value and other decompositions.
Solution techniques for dense systems.
- Iterative techniques
Conjugate Gradient algorithm,
Arnoldi, Lanczos, and other Krylov space iterations,
multigrid iteration,
basic preconditioning techniques.
(Eigenvalue algorithms moved to another term)
- Numerical Linear Algebra,
by Lloyd N. Trefethen
and David Bau III.
- Matrix Computations,
by Gene H. Golub
and Charles F. van Loan
- Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems
by Y. Saad
You are not required to buy any of these.
Grades will be assigned based on take-home projects. Projects
can be computational or theoretical, and can be tailored to
student background and preferences.
Jay Gopalakrishnan