Table of Contents
Lecture Notebooks
01 Overview of some tools
02 Interacting with python
03 Working with git
04 Conversion table
05 Approximating derivatives
06 Genome of SARS-CoV-2 virus
07 Fibonacci primes
08 Numpy blitz
09 The SEIR model of infectious diseases
10 Singular value decomposition
11 Bikes on Tilikum Crossing
12 Visualizing geospatial data
13 Gambler's ruin
14 Google's PageRank
15 Supervised learning by regression
16 Unsupervised learning by PCA
17 Latent semantic analysis
Power sum
Graph functions
Argument passing
Piecewise functions
Row swap
Averaging matrix
Differentiation matrix
Pairwise differences
Hausdorff distance
$k$-nearest neighbors
Predator-prey model
Column space
Null space
Pandas from dictionaries
Iris flowers
Stock prices
Passengers on the Titanic
Animate functions
Insurance company
Probabilities on small graphs
Ehrenfest urns
Power method for large graphs
Google's toy graph
Atmospheric carbon dioxide
Ovarian cancer data
Word vectors
Rise of CO$_2$ in the atmosphere
COVID-19 cases in the west coast
World map of COVID-19 cases
Neighbor's color
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Jay Gopalakrishnan
CC-BY-SA. ©2020