Curricular Resources (also training programs, etc.) last modified:12/26/08

dates after links indicate date of initial posting or most recent validation of link Federal resources for Educational Excellence (12/08) - individual resources and links to collections; "Environment" category has (12/08) 65 links, leading to thousands of others (National Academy of Science, Energy Department, National Science Foundation, NASA, Library of Congress, multiple agencies [governmental and non-])

National Science Education Standards (12/08) - produced 1995; goals, not curriculum or lesson plans

American Museum of Natural History (12/08) - science-rich Website for Kids; free on-line resources; educator training programs

Earth Force (12/08) - "Earth Force engages young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. Earth Force achieves these results by training and supporting educators as they implement our unique six-step model for engaging young people. " Offices & affiliates around the contry; partnerships with corporations, agencies, foundations, etc. Tools for Teachers (12/08)

Anheuser Busch / Busch Gardens teacher resources (12/08) - teacher guides, classroom activities, publications, e-store, camps / courses / workshops

iTunes U (12/08) -

The JASON Project- Education through Exploration(12/08) - augments school districts' core curricula for 5th - 10th gradaes. "Led by host researchers from National Geographic, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), JASON curriculum units put students on meaningful missions to learn core Earth, life and physical science concepts. The result is deeper student engagement, increased motivation and higher achievement."

Chemical Educational Foundation (12/08) - "a national non-profit organization that works with chemical industry members to foster a greater understanding of the value and benefits of chemistry, chemicals, and chemical safety awareness"; educator links; student links;

MEERA (My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant) (12/08) - tool for planning and implementing an evaluation, with info about program logic, goals, indicators, etc.; recommended by EPA for Environmental Education Grant applicants

thirteen ed online (12/08) - Source of lesson plans, projects, downloadable video; What's Up in the Environment? (12/08) - career info, topics, class projects, resources, professional development

National Park Service (12/08): curriculum resources (12/08); materials to loan (12/08); professional development opportunities for teachers (12/08); "Teacher to Ranger to Teacher" (12/08) - for teachers from Title I school districts; teacher spends summer in park, then uses summer experience during school year to develop lesson plans; supplemental pay $300/week for 8-10 weeks; example (12/08): Wupatki National Monument, Arizona; Envronmental Educat